Even with this background I don’t see him currently turning into a villain, to be honest. MAYBE if eventually things go sideways and Alleria has a void-induced death or something he might go full radical in exterminating all things void related (and fel related too by being a long time enemy) and setting his sights on void elves, shadow priests and demon hunters. But that would need to be a whole descent into madness arc that either starts or culminates with Alleria’s death, otherwise it will just be another GoT S8 all over again. Maybe eventually but as things stand currently I don’t think so.
After playing both the alliance and horde doing that quest, he makes a cheeky comment in jest. Like how the horde will call you soft weak thing as an alliance. It is soldiers just ripping on each other in a playful manner.
His dislike of the horde is like how some horde dislike the alliance, mostly just to make smart comments at one another.
You gotta realise by now. For him, the 2nd war was literally thousands upon thousands of years ago. The 2nd war is hardly ever in his mind these days, not after battling the Legion for millenniums and watching worlds burn to them.
And yet, that does not stop him loving his wife at all. So him disliking the void is not the same as wanting to kill all void users. He was also part of getting the void elves into the alliance.
And yet, Illdian, their leader, is his Homeboy. Yes, he got mad for Illdian destroying Xe’ra in the moment, because of course you would, but the whole quest chain after that was him coming to grips to the fact Illidan was correct. Velen and Turalyon both agreed that Xe’ra’s final goal wasn’t peace but Light dominance and that is not what they wanted.
Yeah, but that is mostly be a personal thing than a whole faction war thing. I can see a story about that but it will be madly personal without him going full on evil.
Shamanism, yes. Drudism, yes.
But have you noticed that paladins and the light now = evil and priests, well priests are hardly ever talked about.
Certain fans are going down that road, yes. Certain writers too were pushing that dreck in Legion and BfA.
Clearly Anduin, Faerin, and Anduin aren’t evil. So that doesn’t really fit. As always, it is about the user.
Not talking about the game story, the game story is 100% light is good. I am talking about the community. For some reason, when it comes to spirituality or faith based things, shamans and druids are okay but the Light is always looked at with suspicion in the community.
Like, everytime the Light comes up, people always think zealots are around the corner.
Because they keep writing light zealots.
Scarlet Crusade and Yrel was the only light zealots though. Shamans literally all became warlocks and destroyed their homeworld with the orcs. Druids became flame dragon worshippers to regain their immortality.
But only when the light comes in do people go “They are going to go all evil!”
And The Scarlet Crusade has shown up in like over half the expansions or something? They’re constantly showing up. So adding Xe’ra / Yrel and Aarakoa, they keep writing them.
Yeah, they’re warlocks. The zealots usually stay Light worshippers.
People meme about druids getting corrupted often. Like every time a world tree is mentioned, that they suck at not getting corrupted.
The Scarlet Crusade stopped being important long ago if you aren’t an undead. Xe’ra was wrong but her lightforged are still good. Yrel was an a$$puill and everyone knows that.
Yeah, they’re warlocks. The zealots usually stay Light worshippers.
Only because the elements left them due to their spirtiual link being gone. Many did become dark shaman though, not just warlocks and started to enslave the spirits.
No they don’t.
None of this gets around the fact light zealots show up in the game often.
Dark shamans don’t come up nearly as much as Light zealots in the story.
Do you need some quotes?
He thinks the Horde are savages and wanted to take Horde territory.
They literally do not. Scarlet Crusade really is just the only ones and they aren’t around often. Yrel was an AU that all died out. Xe’ra was the only one in the army that was a true zealot, everyone else was not.
? Dark Shamans are in every expansion in some form or another. We had them in DF with the decaying dungeons. Those were dark shamans. Light Zealots literally are only the SC and now with the one dungeon in Arathi, but they broke off from the rest of Hallowfall.
DO not really care if you do or don’t.
And Thrall’s AU sister thinks Alliance are all weaklings and needed to be conquered. Now both make jokes about it. Both aren’t evil
Xe’ra was in Legion for a fair amount. Y’rel was showing up in Battle of Azeroth. For the Crusade a ton in vanilla because you had early questing, in the Plaguelands, and several large dungeons and questlines. Tiny bit in Burning Crusade with like one questline A lot in Wrath of the Lich King, basically all of the Death Knight starting questline, and huge questlines in Northrend in New Hearthglen, another nearby area, and Onslaught Harbor. A bunch again in Cataclysm with all the revamped zones, Tirisfal and Plaguelands have a lot of questlines with them. Then you had the dungeons revamped again in Mists of Pandaria. Then they show up some in Mists of Pandaria in several questlines, Knights of the Ebon Blade getting Sally as well as the Priest (Discipline?) artefact questline. Battle for Azeroth they get a tiny bit with their propaganda pamphlets. In Shadowlands we see a few minor mentions in the afterlife. And in Dragonflight, another minor questline with the Forsaken Heritage armor and the reclaiming of Gilneas where they are again have forces about through that questline.
They get mentioned in Exploring Azeroth: Northrend and Exploring Azeroth: Eastern Kingdoms. And they even had a comic Ashbringer which heavily featured them in it.
This is a lot of showing up to me.
Not nearly as much as Light zealots, is the thing.
You don’t care about evidence?
So not reading that.
Will respond to this though. No, not as much, MUCH MORE than Light Zealots.
But One Light Zealot group, that was brainwashed by a demon or Dark Shamans doing that stuff for power themselves.
Ignoring evidence again, got it. Just shows the bad faith you’re engaging in.
Way, way less.
Okay buddy, you keep believing that.
You’re the one literally saying you won’t read evidence, lol. But that’s a trend with you at this point.
Wild how desperate some people are not to have light zealots for some reason