Turalyon Alliance Reconnections

That was my first guild too, had some good times in early BC.

Saevitiam lives!

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Characters: Eriu, Human Mage
Quinault, Night Elf Druid

GM of Saevitiam
Some of us will be playing classic. I believe the server chosen is Faelnir. Hit me up Quinault#1328

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Aceburns NE Hunter
GM of Sentinels of Despair
use to hang around Darkshore all the time
made a run for Tirisfal Glades at lvl 22-25 to tame a black widow spider

Mason - Human Paladin
Occams Razor

Back in Wotlk and Cataclysm I was:

  1. Bottlepop - the night elf, then human Death Knight.
  2. Janu - a night elf druid.

I was in the guild Beyond and main/side tanked from naxx through Argent tournament. I’m looking for anyone who knew me. Some names I recall - Seff, Sareana, Phrit, and Naylah. I’ll be rolling Alliance on Herod or Faerlina.

Arkadius - Dwarf hunter on Alliance for a few years and through most of BC. Looking for any old familiars.

Some guilds: Beyond, We Raid The Fridge, Might.

Hello! Glad to see you! I have a name in on Pagle, though Minato was taken so I had to become Minako.

Idk if it helps any, but we have a Turalyon realm discord too https://discord.gg/yWsqpqD

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Meep! It’s Vitt :stuck_out_tongue: how’s my favorite Aussie?

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Playing on the classic server Herod with the horde this time around. Be sure to keep a look out for the names Ragescream, Fleshrot, and Zaejin as those will be my horde toons. I will be playing alliance but not as a main. Hope to see all you guys there. Its nice to see some familiar people from way back when. =)

I recognize some of the guild names, and a couple of people. Here’s who I mainly played on Turalyon until WotLK.

Raid Main- Nicolette, Battle Saints, Human Priest
Main- Falathiel, Kali Girls (briefly in BS), Night Elf Hunter

I was Hexellum, gnome warlock. Played 2005-2008.

Innuendo, Retaliation, #turtle, #turtlezg. Remember that time our GM (a Hunter) had a meltdown when he didn’t get the ZG claws?

Katte gnome warrior
Posserion human warrior
Jared? Jareb? human mage
Stelliana human priest
Jaws tauren shaman. my pvp nemesis. i’m rolling tauren shaman in Classic because of you.

I remember you Hex, hurtchabad/malachi , and several others in this post. Was in innuendo , wrath of kerberos , retaliation and some others. Hope you are all doing great.

Hex as far as you go , I remember all the people you mention. I had a horde nemesis also. Bazz :smiley:

Hope all the turalyon vets are doing well. Even Zepherwind and Aeroweather :smiley:

Dwarf Warrior - Didlo / Dudlo / Pwnderosa

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Hi Loopy, I used to be in Elders of Turalyon waaaay back in the day.
Othvass human warrior, Elders of Turalyon. I used to tank UBRS and Scholomance. Btw my Legs of Valor never dropped

Human Paladin
Passive Fury & Roadkill Kafe

Jerrimus, Pathis, SilkyJohnson, Spydertek, Korpz, Azakon and so many more! :slight_smile:
This is gonna be a good time!

Awww ya! We’re getting the band back together! :slight_smile:

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Blackjack, NE Hunter. Occam’s Razor. Also Vandermar, Draenei Shaman in BC. Any of my peeps around? Vandermar#1338

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Heya Tisi! Good ol BJ here!

Sup Archahammer!