Character: Angeleyes - Night elf Hunter
Guild: Cryptic, Alpha Elites, The Coming, Reign
I remember so many of you, this is super cool! Hoping I can meet up with some old guildies from any of the above mentioned guilds!
I’ll be rolling on Herod most likely.
Were you the hunter that came with OR on a BWL raid and someone pulled Vael early and everyone blamed you? I recognize the guild name
Character name: Slìt
Type: Night Elf Druid
Guild: Arsenal Team, Just Wipe it
Good to see everyone coming back to reclaim the old.
I was the one and only original owner of <(^.^)> Kirbys Jewelcrafting in WoTLK.
And just in case Shado shows up a message for him “NOU!”
Arianfox, human warlock. (Shaede - priest, Meepmeep - shaman).
Was in Elune’s Elite Elders in Vanilla, then Rampage later on.
It’s amazing to see so many names I remember on this list.
Hi everyone
(This is my original vanilla warlock)
Hmm, I don’t think I ever got to raid with OR unfortunately.
Dorn - Dwarf paladin.
My first guild was Beyond.
I have the name Dorn on both Herod and Fairbanks.
Looking for guild members from {Azeroths Knights Templar} (or, hell, anyone who remembers these character names in-game lol)
My characters in there were my NE Hunter “Foxyshalimar” and my Human Paladin “Viirti”
I do not remember particular people, since it has been sooo many years since they split up, but I do remember Leonidas was the GM.
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Hey, I was Raguel, the original GM of Goodfellas!
Looking for anyone that was in Of One Blood, Goodfellas, or Justice League
My main was Raguel, Human Paladin, but everyone called me Rags.
Would also love to catch up with any of the old WeRunPugs crew.
I was in the raiding guild Catalyst (I think that was the name), it may have been Eternum at that time with my night elf druid Fairyfine until the end of vanilla. Looking to reach out to those I played with, memorable ones were Rude (Human Rogue) and Sonofluna (Human Paladin).
Name: Odinblades
Race: Nightelf
Class: Rogue
Guild: small guild called “The Nightwalkers” until I changed to idk what.
Played with some clowns named Xiy, Aggrometers, Malfurion, Landeezy, Kickflip, Lumburgh, Swole, Bakakaka, and that is all I can remember.
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cant say that i do remember you and i do apologize. what was your main at that point in time?
Hello there!
Names: Trink and Trinkalink
Races: Gnome and Dwarf
Classes: Rogue and Hunter
Guild: Was maybe Shadows Rising?
Remember playing with Thulsadoom, Thorim, Nightshift, Dorian, and Tripledboys
sup jer will you be playing classic?
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Pathis was my main (Guild=Passive Fury)
Night Elf Warrior
i was arms up until caped at 70 in TBC
Then i was prot i tanked everything i could
and was very active up until the end of WLK
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Looking for any old Turalyon friends that I played classic with. Hit me up
Polymor - main; Narciss - Alt
Night Elf Druid; Gnome Mage
My main raiding guild was PULSE, but we used borrow from Equinox, as well as a few of us supporting their raids on alts. Looking to see if anybody from either might be playing again.
I was in some guilds before PULSE, but I can’t remember names or characters, just that there were some pretty cool people I played with before PULSE while leveling.
horde on herod, got 3 names on lock lol
Well what do ya know - we actually got to reconnect! Just FYI i will be on the RP server Bloodsail Buccaneers, so if you feel like hanging out - come by!