In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Turalyon in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
Your character’s name, race and class.
The name of your original guild on this realm.
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
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Iwillownyou Night Elf Hunter
Dont remember my guild
Im looking for Roberil. you and i used to be great pals. Teaming up for the scavanger hunts in our guild. Making tauren guilds called “Kodo Poachers”
Amanthery Human Warlock
Passive Fury/Adrenaline (BC guild)
I don’t remember everyone I played with but if my name sounds familiar, send me a tell! Always looking for new friends to play with.
I was in group therapy for a while, along with Dro, Lyllth, Adorame, Not sure if you remember who i was. But i used to be the tank when running Karazan. i even still have a SS of us on myspace lol. Its been awhile yeah. I’m also hoping to find some old buddies; Viktorblack, Waric, and Kimdan that Used to play on Turaylon
Your character’s name, race and class. Gnome Warlock named Malachi
The name of your original guild on this realm. Innuendo
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with. Snax, zephyrwind, gnort
The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with:
I was 10 years old when I was playing, so my memory is super poor. But I was able to reconnect with Lany, who them and I pieced together a mutual named Shonyu and we all were apart of Eternal Circle. The two closest friends I knew back then went by Landon and Kimmy, who both played Night Elves.
Riadus, Human priest.
Guild: The BlackTriads (later absorbed by Brotherhood I think)
Looking for Hawt, Arabeth, Sheperd, Charlynine, Serenity. I found Nestorath/Skychalker
Loopy your name sounds kind of familiar! I came here to post this too!!!
I was Kayde, a Paladin and I had a rogue too which I honestly have no idea what my name was. I remember joining the Elders pretty early on and stayed with them into BC, I think I transferred near the end of BC or Wrath to another realm.
I came on here to post about the guild though. Elders of Turalyon! The only other name I really remember was a Gnome mage named Raymona, who ended up in all brown gear and looked like a potato. We called her Raytato.
Waren of Luced were my mains
Human warrior and human mage
Also had Aufwar a human priest
Guilds: Source, and which lead to The Addiction, Goodfellas, and then I think we were The Coming through most of TBC.Synergy are the ones that come to mind for vanilla. Also, not primarily vanilla but anyone from Reborn.