-Casting riptide consume lava surge and cast a lava burst on a target affected by flame shock
- inscrease earthen totem by 15%
-purging earthshield now only purge 5 stack
Now the though prosses behind it is that rsham is very gcd intensive most of the time i priorise greater purge over flame shock when it come to offensive. Having it beeing auto would make it so rsham can do some damage without losing to much gcd. About the earthen shield rsham is very weak to purge and it would make it a kinda of skill to do good purge vs rsham because of reacting resine, purge a 9 stack earthshield and u give the rsham free instant heal. Purge a 5 stack or less earthshield and you hurt them.
Now totemic
Surging totem mana cost reduce by 30%
Totemic projection cd reduce by 5 sec.
my frustration playing rsham is not the healing outputt i feel like its kinda decent could be better for sure. but every healer are doing 4x our damage. people are running out of earthen like its their job. this overall would make the class way more enjoyable.
I am one of a very few people who still consistently play with a Rshaman, simply because its my long term mate.
Trust me, its the missing healing output that is the most frustrating for the DPS you are playing with. Sure, I wouldn’t be mad when he would have more damage, but that wouldn’t help much when he doesn’t have the healing power to keep me alive.
In 2s the missing damage might be very frustrating, but being a decent healer in 3s is more important in my opinion.
frustration doesnt come from not doing damage. it come from rsham being weak to purge. the pruge protection on earthshield would be a huge healing increase on its own. the other frustrating stuff is people just running out of earthen then moving earthen just for them to get out again.
prob just need to make ES not purgeable at all same with riptide and call it a day
I also think they should just heal more, I feel like every shuffle I have against a rsham that goes into dampening ends with me winning because their numbers simply arent there. There is actually little interaction between us, it’s legitimately just a numbers game
It gets to a point they use ascendance, SLT and everything but their team just dies anyway
Problem is if they have to cast they just oom as of rn
Could buff riptide i guess but thats a slippery slope
Making ES not purgeable would go a long way
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not not purgeable but just that it would take two purge to get it off would make it much better
They wanted to make Rshaman kind of a battle healer so I really think they need to buff wind shear and grounding totem somehow for just Rshaman and then increase their mana regen + a slight buff to healing wave.
Might be just me but I think all healers should be around the Rshaman level of healing.
buffing wind shear and grounding only make rsham stronger vs what they are already strong. this is not the way
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Revert healing stream to MoP power level!
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Totemic Resto has mop level healing stream atm, bar the double person ticks.
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Really? guess im about to fotm reroll and put some gear on my shaman
Yea unforch you cant play totemic because half your abilities are centered around healing rain totem and chain heal which both cost a ridiculous amount of mana, so if people kill ur totems you lose pretty fast.
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totemic is the best spec atm…
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Please do this. I won’t even spec ES on my Enhance because it’s so annoying to keep up.
was moreso thinking this should just be for rsham but maybe would be fine for all 3 specs
Feel like that’s some toxic gameplay right there.
I think they still just need some throughput buffs, which would indirectly make rshams less gcd intensive. Riptide and Healing Stream Totem. The healing sucks so bad you’re trying hard all game to keep people up there’s not a lot of time to do any meaningful dam, at least in shuffle.
Also think tbh Rsham has one of the most overloaded kits in the game. I think it could be rolled back a bit and simplified, and buffing their core kit of spells. I’ve been saying this a long time but Spirit Link and Earthen are outdated spells and need to be redesigned without positional requirements.
I’m more experienced on my rsham, but the difference logging on to my disc priest is night and day. It’s so much easier and smoother to play/succeed with my priest by far.
Adding some passive damage hitting for 400k once every 15-20 is toxic ? And that is only if you have flame shock up to get proc.