Tuning needed? (Epic Battlegrounds)

First game of epic battleground i played in tww at 80 was (wintergrasp), all vehicles/npc gaurds having stupid amounts of hp and gaurds hitting well over 2M damage and sieges have 299M hp…? seems scaling was ignored in beta/ptr. Anyone else experiencing other similar things in the others epic bgs?

It because we don’t have honor gear yet. 7 more hours

People complaining about premades non-stop till the launch and now they complain about NPCs/vehicles being overtuned…with no honor/conquest gear. EA is not beta/ptr if you didn’t know that already.

honor gear or not in epics you get scaled to ilvl 600 is enough but guards should not being hitting for 1/3 of your hp on a basic melee

Why are you complaining right now when the full launch isn’t even out yet…don’t forget that we are still in the leveling/gearing phase here. I do remember how ridiculous they were back in DF S1 so wouldn’t worry about that part now if I were you.

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I’m confused. Isn’t this what epic battlegrounders wanted? Stronger NPCs/vehicles?


I sure did, i’m freakin PUMPED! I hope they stay like this, and then get buffed again in S2


Pretty sure they wanted them stronger but not unkillable.

Blizzard has a hard time finding the good middle and not switching between dead instantly and unkillable.

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Nah, I say we leave em nigh unkillable right now. Blizz will undoubtedly “forget” to tune them up later, so let’s leave em tanky.

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No, we need NPC’s to stay strong, I don’t want epics to turn into 4 minute blitz every time. I actually like the start of expansion where the NPC are dangerous. Makes for actually playing the objectives as a group much better.


its funny to suggest this but why not farm your honor while syncd down to an easier bracket?

Totally funny. Or just be good and farm honor like normal people

Lol i was curious to see how it was like so i did an epic and was funny every single player in ashran went to farm npcs on horde and ally. i was watching the kill counter and both sides were dropn like flies to npcs toward the end i ended up watching the same ret pally die to mobs like 9 times

This is probably the best AV has felt in a loooong time frankly.

Unless if they scale NPC strength with the players, it will most likely be strong until players get conquest gear.

Diagree fully!

Guards should 1 shot anyone that isn’t a Tank. The Elites and Bosses should wipe the raid and you shouldn’t EVER be able to zerg a Boss. The tuning is fine because if the NPCs are dangerous that promotes PvP and putting effort into taking towers and tactical points.

AV, Isle and Ashran should be 30+ min BGs so they can be Epic. The end boss should 1 shot you if you don’t get out of the mechanic. You should have to rotate tanks and get towers/resources first.

Maybe for the first time Epic BGs will actually be Epic instead of a mindless zerg fest that isn’t worth Queing.

With that said as Prot I have 12.4 mil HP so these guards aren’t an issue because that is my roll to fight the guards and pull agro for my team. Again now we have to use strategy which is good.

it may sound i want them easy to deal with but npcs/vehicles should have some power to pressure players insted of doing nothing and be bystanding npcs but non elites should not be hitting for basic melees for 2M when in full conq we will be having around 8-10m hp depending on talents/bg stam foods/buffs

Disagree as I said. 2 million damage is fine. If a non tank solo interacts with a non elite guard they should die quickly (2-4 hits). It should be a group effort and Dps should be careful. This promotes healthy PvP.

I say this just playing the most fun AV I have ever experienced in almost 20 years of playing WoW. This is how it should be.

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AV is actually really fun right now imo with objectives along the map and end boss not being steamrollable

Forcing a lot of teamfights and ivus making appearances

It’s essentially a better ashran

Vehicle combat can kick rocks though

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And it promotes tank in Epic BG’s where they usually can be quite useless or annoying for other players. Now they have a job to keep aggro so their team don’t get 1 shotted.

I know we’ll reach a season 4 someday where tank are back at soloing Drek/Van… I hope they keep tuning it up as we go through the season.