Tuning needed? (Epic Battlegrounds)

When this starts to happen the Devs should proactively buff Drek/Van by 500%. I’d even put new Guards outside of there that Aoe 1 shot in a 100 yard radius if you haven’t taken down 3 towers.

In AV is you aren’t summoning the NPC and don’t have a few 100 hk’s then it wasn’t Epic. These Epic BGs are supposed to be about Epic large battles that take about 30-45 mins. That is the appeal in an Epic BG it’s supposed to be a longer form PvP battle.

I’m pretty sure the Devs can track how long Epic BGs are lasting if they are under 30 mins then they failed and need to fix something.

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Keep in mind that the achievement for Blitz need to be doable, but you’ll just have to bring in 5 tanks.

I’m having a lot of fun now! I’ll definitely gear my blood dk.

No I don’t think so now that we have Epic BGs. That achievement should be retired. We should move forward with Epic BG design which is the long format and actual Epic PvP battles where players are engaged in tactical fights and getting 100’s of HKs.

Again if some team brings 5 Tanks then Blizz should add Tank busters like I suggested where you have to take 3 Towers first. These BGs need to be Epic. They should never end before 20 mins but 30 mins is the sweet spot.

Exactly and this is the goal. Most fun I’ve ever had in AV was yesterday in almost 20 years of WoW. Why do we want to ruin that for an achievement? Remove the antiquated achievement no zerging in Epic BGs it doesn’t belong.


On a side note I’m not sure, the massive Tank changes in design that got everyone upset which was removing their capabilities to solo in M+ I’m not sure if you read the massive changes to Tank design but I main Prot and it’s worth the read. Blizz took steps to specifically make sure a Tank NEEDs healers.

In BGs I can sustain relatively okay vs player but there is no chance I can do that vs Bosses. Even the Raiding target dummy absolutely hurts soon as I touch it. This is what Blizz wants. They want Tanks to feel threatened and for Healers to have to focus heals into them. (as long as they don’t reverse this design then no one is soloing them)

Which is a good thing, I hope Blizz don’t listen to the outcries of Tanks should solo and healers shouldn’t heal them.

I have seen some chatter about tanks, but not sure what the impact is.

My Prot pally is benched and playing Ret instead… I feel like having word of glory using mana really bad change.

It was a massive rework of Tanks that happened before TWW. It was a change in design philosophies which is why also everyone got 60% more stamina. (Game is designed around M+)

The long story short Tanks should take damage but then give time for healers to heal them. Without the healer they will die. All sustain was nerfed and stam increased to smooth out damage so healers can react.

As for PvP so far it feels good because I have 13 mil HP buffed. So I can react defensively vs burst. I can sustain some, I have cheat deaths and second wind now so I’m good. I just won’t top myself off after getting chuncked.

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