Tuning hotfixes coming today - October 22

It also doesn’t help that San’layn is also getting a massive damage nerf compared to live in addition to blood overall being the lowest damage tank


and next season they’ll be bottom feeders for a few years, that spec gets 1 season every few years that its not a dumpster fire…heck still till this day the only spec in the games history that was left to rot in an alpha design state for an entire expansion(bfa)


Players point out Frost DK are getting a buff while already being a top spec. Blizzard’s response, nerf Blood. :rofl: :clown_face: :earth_americas:


I wouldnt be so comfy as shaman considering how enhance and resto are behaving… but by all means :dracthyr_tea:

It needs to be a mix. Otherwise, the numbers just keep going up, both for DPS and then readjusting health pools, etc in content.

Basically! Although I like Maloriak’s model better. :rofl:

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Stop spitting facts that I can’t argue with. Our Enh Shammy slaps so hard in raid. It’s crazy.

Pretty sure he’s the chosen one.

Fix Fire Mages they need a upgrade spec is so weak now !

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the nerf on blood makes no sense, they already do less dps than other tanks without bringing a dps buff (like battle shout)


frost needed it, but for blood it makes no sense a 20% nerf on deathbringer


you have got to be kidding me… this has to be a joke


So the S-tier specs got a bunch of buffs they didn’t need, then they rescaled other stuff to compensate so they stay in a similar spot. Seems fine.

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Shaman’s slapped on that Unknown buff on wowhead to avoid nerfs XD

Thank you for the quick fix.

I bet next week it is you and I that will be crying.

A few reddit post and yall cave to ppl who think they deserve mythic gear for completing delves.


These last minute kneejerk adjustments honestly make me wonder who is really at the helm testing and making these decisions. You all using AI developers now?


you’d think AI would be able to do the math at least


That…actually wouldn’t be farfetched.

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why are you talking like you’re the head honcho at blizzard HQ? take it easy bud

Bruh, we’ve been waiting for the .5 patch since release. What are you on about ?

So the solution to Frost DK awful ST is to nerf it and the solution to Arcane awful cleave is to nerf the ST?

Blizzard, this is a miss.