Tuning hotfixes coming today - October 22

Another knee-jerk overcompensation.


rolling dice and throwing some at the wall to see what sticks without uproar. that is the process


What are you guys doing? You couldn’t see that arcane was getting buffed? So you go overboard and nerf the 2 spells that account for all of their dps? By 20%? Cmon

And why nerf fire? Fire is middle of the pack. Yet they get a flat % decrease? What fire mage broke your heart? Why can’t we increase the underperforming specs. Why are we nerfing them?

Frost is a mess. A degenerate playstyle. And now it turns into an even more degenerate playstyle.

Who is thinking up these changes?


I get FDKs could use a small nerf for M+ depending on where you look, but a nerf like this to the entire kit is wild lol


If y’all ruin Ret Pally… I am going to be an angry lizard experiment.


The only thing surprising about a frost DK and arcane mage nerf is that they’re doing it today… I personally thought it would take a week.

… as it stood, the changes to the Hero Talents were in line to buff the absolute best dps spec in the game and the one not too far behind it, while classes in the low to mid range were getting nerfed by similiar changes and it was a terrible look for Blizzard’s balancing competence.


I hate to be the kind of person who dooms over stuff like this but any mediocre player could tell them how ridiculous these changes are. Next tuesday is gunna be a total mess.


Does that mean Arms is going to get the MASSIVE buff that it desperately needs?

Imagine Fury having an intensely small niche application, Blizzard then applies a broad nerf, which in turn COMPLETES neuters the spec … but ADDED BONUS! … also nerfs Arms for no reason.

Arms was already a solid C-class spec, and with the nerfs we’re solidly D-class.

Please, we need a MASSIVE buff.

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lizard experiment…maloriak is that you?

Reminder to blizzard that Brewmaster is a spec in the game.


Blood DK is the lowest DPS tank and the Deathbringer changes are already a minor AOE nerf already, but sure why not shoot it in the face randomly. Clueless.


Dracthyr and Maloriak aren’t actually that far off concerning the experimentations. Nefarian just didn’t know that dad had already perfected it. :slightly_smiling_face:

They did the same thing during TWW’s release. It feels like we’re still in beta.


I don’t understand the philosophy of NERFING the classes that are good instead of BUFFING the ones that are underperforming. As a whole, you’re just lowering the damage output that players are doing as a whole and making content more difficult.

I’m sorry to the players that complained on reddit because they play DOG specs but I’m still not inviting y’all to keys.


This is a new low even by your standards Blizzard.


Cry more, FDK and Arcane have been busted for long enough now

so what you’re saying is…Maloriak was just a temu Dracthyr…it makes sense!

Brewmaster is the spec I feel for the most that I don’t play.

Take my love, drunk tank. With you, it’s always Brewfest.

This mug’s for you.


Enhancement Shamans are destroying atm. They are just being quiet about it.

About to start working on mine.

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“After further analysis and feedback, it’s clear that without additional adjustments, these two specs would gain substantial buffs.”

Hahahaha jesus christ, how hard is it to use a calculator, seriously. A kid just runned a sim and checked the TWENTY PERCENT buff to arcane mages, how can you code a game and not know basic math, depending on “feedback” to know the result of what you’re doing, the absolute state of blizzard.