Tuning hotfixes coming today - October 22

did you even apply any thought to this or just pander to the whiny community and hand out heavy handed frost nerfs without running any numbers? We got buffed due to db changes with this patch, so instead you go and nerf the entire kit for a spec that hasn’t gotten to be meta in how many years now? A spec that got stale and now has some good flavor and a great feel, and you smack us in the face with a bat? Thanks a lot for pandering to the more vocal, cry baby aspects of your community, and placing little value in people that have played this spec for a long time waiting on our chance to be good. Let’s not forget enhance, ret, and other classes just as strong that are overlooked because the community focus on our broodtwister performance in rwf and high key m+ see that as their baseline


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Yeah which is funny considering they just rekt sanlayn with this patch. And db dk was already like, 200k dps behind according to archon lol.

Why am I getting nerfed in damage when I already suck at damage?


I’ve been mentally preparing myself for it all season.

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because you made the mistake of playing blood instead of the bear druid or prot warrior our developer overlords want us to play

I’m very calm I assure you. I can very calmly and easily expect people to do their jobs

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Would love for fire mage mana to be fixed so that you know…I can use flamestrike that is…you know the meta m+ aoe spec…

Same, back to mid tier for us lol.

What are your dev teams even doing? Are they literally not even talking to each other at this point? Whatever you have implemented for a development cycle over there needs to be fully gutted maybe even some of the people involved. This literally screams like none of you know how to even communicate, let alone develop anything properly at this point.


So basically they just throw some at the wall to see what sticks. Once enough people point out the error in their ways they fix it. Bizarre way to run things. How could they miss things like this when doing their testing , tuning and data review?


These blood dk nerfs are just crazy… man i dont even know what to say, cuz whatever i do will just get me timed out/banned… you need to be buffing blood not nerfing it… lowest dps tank in the game and youre nerfing us…


Well back to Albion Online I guess


Wow, you guys finally figured out the real source of Arcane Sunfury’s supremacy. An extra 5% damage multiplier will do that, lol. Well it’s good while it lasted I guess, back to being mediocre. As a long time Arcane Mage I’ve made peace with that a long time ago but you’re going to have thousands of tilted players on your hands now because all the FOTM folks have been flocking to Arcane Sunfury since the expansion launched. I guess we will be seeing a lot fewer Spellfire Spheres floating around Dornogal after the patch. :joy::joy::joy:

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I hope they do something for SP. I wish they’d make silence baseline with the option to decrease CD instead of using two points for something far inferior to what other caster classes get baseline.

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They are doing their jobs. They’re responding to the feedback and tuning the classes.

What is the vision for class balance this expansion? It has been all over the place. Buffing and nerfing on vibes

Each update just lowers the chance non-meta classes get a chance to progress M+… DH’s shockingly joining the ‘reroll-lawl’ list alongside hunters n warlocks. Eagerly awaiting the dismissive tweaks next week to see how well they ruin other classes/specs.

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vibes based balancing is in swing, please for the love of god just play the actual game before doing these stupid changes so at least your vibes are based in reality.

Run one singular dungeon on a non trivial difficulty, fight one singular raid boss on mythic, it’s getting really sad how unbalanced and unenjoyable the non trivial content is and ya’ll clearly just have no clue what’s going on


Is this an out-of-season April’s Fool joke?