T_T Why Alliance so mean?

I’ve seen awful people on both sides. Humans are annoying by nature.


I mean… was a huge 2 toed troll hard to spot or something? Just saying but some of the horde races are thicccker than a bowl of oatmeal.

thicc thighs save fries

yeep lol, basically.

I have and I’ve seen no difference…the situation for PVP is basically, horde are majority and almost always win while alliance has only RP’rs and PVE’rs left. Anyone who’s decently geared and does M+ hardcore/rated PVP/Mythic or heroic raiding has moved to horde and it sucks hence why they give up. in PVE, I’ve been kicked on horde side for no reason at all too, mid-boss or told my alt wasn’t performing(normal dungeons not M+ or raiding…), both sides have these people but as Gaijinn said, the horde have so many players, its perception to you that horde has better people, because the nice and the mean hide blend together. Also has to do with server for sure, proudmoore is a very good server for alliance.

Also has to do with the server too. Most people I find are chill, heck I’ve even run mega dungeons day 1 with chill people who were ok with wiping non stop until we figured out boss while being undergeared(and beat them all). Tazavesh was the most trying one, taking 2-3 hours to beat So’leah on hard mode but we did it…and we go all got our mounts. No one rage quit, no one was toxic, everyone was chill and we kept learning and working with being undergeared. I’ve found that horde tends to have more children who can’t control their temper and are annoying due to horde being 2/3 of wow now…but thats my personal experience.



No I didn’t kill any younglings. I don’t know what happened to them after they fell through a void portal.


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  • gasps* i no mean! i gives the hugs

My experience trying to actually play alliance was very rarely positive. For many reasons almost all of them the types of people who i found on the alliance side.

That said, since cross faction has been a thing my interactions with the alliance players have been remarkably positive. Overwhelmingly positive.

People gonna people i gu3ss.

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People have said this on and off over the years. Alliance is meaner/horde is meaner , all the nice people are on alliance or all the nice people are on horde.

Faction has ZERO to do with the quality of player. I’ve witnessed and dealt with jerks on both sides and the same with cool or helpful people. It’s a person thing plain and simple.

Sadly I do notice that the jerks are far more prevalent nowadays than years passed.


The population decline may have something to do with it. All I’m saying though, if cross-faction guilds are a thing, my druid is going back to nightelf.

Haven’t had this happen to me personally from either side.

I expected to see way more of this once cross-faction was implemented, but I’ve only seen/read like 5-10 accounts of some sort of discrimination, and this is the first one I’ve heard of a Horde player being discriminated against. Mostly have included screenshots showing ‘ew, alliance’.

Maybe this doesn’t happen to me because I’m either tanking, or because dwarves are cool.

edit: all that being said, I’m sorry this happened to you OP. People need to chill out. And unite against vulpera and gnomes.

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<3 dwarves , lol normally the only chill alliance people we met were dwarves but at the same all the guys that hit on our toons were dwarves to lol , me and my friend laugh like " why is it always a dwarf"


Y’all are barbaric evil scum that help green skinned alien terrorists. We must purge the Horde.

It is the opposite for me. Most of the pricks I have had to deal with have been horde.
Which leads me to conclude the both sides have a prick infestation.

  1. Can’t blame a guy for shooting his shot
  2. Have you seen dwarven women? No, actually, we don’t know where they are, they’re so elusive!
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Not noticed anything of the sort at all tbh from either sides.
I did go in discord with a horde guild as the sole alliance and they made some jokes about me not understanding them because I’m a worgen when I took a sec to cast a closet.
So I proceeded to talk like wisdom dog when addressed and that got them laughing.

Made some friends that night was a good time and a great first day experience for cross faction. I think all my interactions have been kind and fun honestly. I love fighting side by side with the tauren my other fav race in wow.

Cannot wait for cross faction guilds. Hopefully soon!


I see a few angry people from kel’thuzad.
Idk if that realm is still up or not.
But they were angry for the smallest things…

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Odd haven’t seen that but I rarely run with people from that realm.

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LOL i was Just in a epic bg for horde and i always start with " win or lose i love you all" some guy said i was gay, i was like rood no heals for you, and some vuplera was like i dont care if you are gay heal me, so clearly i set them to my focus for heals lol, the whole time i have this vulpera calling the gay priest " the gay priest saved me like 3 times now" couldn’t help but laugh