Trying to learn some MW basics. Guide recommendations?

Just looking for some real basic rotation stuff for, like, TWDs.

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Do you wanna fistweave or mistweave? There’s a small difference between them, both are played in melee but fistweaving does more damage and passive healing through damage. Mistweaving focuses more on clouded focus and direct healing.

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I’d prefer to Mistweave, but I was not aware it was still melee…I’ll try it I guess. Thanks for any help you can offer

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Well, with mistweaving you don’t have to be in melee but it makes it easier. If you take the Rising Mist along with a few other talents then your Rising Sun Kick will apply renewing mist to a party member and extend your HoTs. It makes it easier to stun and interrupt as well. There’s also a talent that makes blackout kick return mana. Mistweaving just makes it easier to heal when you can’t be in melee and have dps uptime.

I don’t like fistweaving myself. I prefer a caster build. Unfortunately you won’t find a whole lot in the guides for mistweaving bc in dungeon content they want to push fistweaving as much as possible bc it does more damage.

I say play around with the talents and find what works best for your style. Both heal very well once you get the hang of it.


Id disagree with the notion that a " caster" build doesn’t do damage. A quick warcralftlogs visit and you ll find one of the most damaging runs or the most damage done in a key ever so far in the competitive range was done with the “caster build”.

The truth is though that its easier to do average damage as fistweaver because u just spin to win. The hard part is healing bosses

I didn’t say the caster build doesn’t do damage, only that fistweaving tends to edge it out.

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This is awesome. Thabks for posting this.


i won’t start a major debate as i have a forum post running called “The State of Monk” where we can discuss that, but i will say that both casting and fistweaving are designed to deal damage. my major gripe with soomweaving is that while you are still intended by design to be in melee and cut it up, there’s no major reward to using your melee buttons other than damage. it’s a lot of stick with much less carrot than fistweaving.

with that in mind i find Megasett is a great fistweaving teacher. peak of serenity can be a bit of a circle jerk at times, but there are a lot of resources and tons of helpful people to get you started there. they’ve individually helped me a lot in the past! in general i can post a build for raid/m+ with “each spec” depending on what you want to do. these are by no means law and there is a lot of debate and even some flexibility on the ways to play, so take these as a starting point.

these are import codes to talents

this build focuses on quickly ramping sheilun’s gift to help you with moments of burst healing. using essence font pre-pull or to maintain ancient teachings and relying on faeline & spinning crane to heal through trash. with every build, you want to constantly be applying renewing mist. every build. keep renewing mist rolling to help yourself. i took healing elixir here as a means of a quick self heal should you not have your instant vivify and are on the move. use thunder focus tea to apply an instant cast enveloping mist on /someone/ in melee and cast zen pulse on them to help your damage. i use zen pulse for damage, not healing. you could take 1 point out of generous pour for paralysis on incorporeal weeks. a major point of power for fistweavers is the ability to bank tiger palms into black out kick charges, otherwise known as teachings of the monestary. black out kick can potentially reset the CD of rising sun kick.

[Fistweaving] [Raid]
again, there’s variance here and can bend this in a lot of different ways, so take any of it with a grain of salt. just trying to give you a starting point. this gives you access to fortifying brew in raid for more personal survivability on guaranteed damage phases. you’re also taking escape from reality in the class tree which is rather skill expressive. it gives you another short duration charge of transendance: transfer and amplifies your vivify in that moment. this was insanely valuable to me during raz’s p2 during blowbacks between storm shields. you’re going to be using sheilun’s differently here as it will be slowly accruing stacks of shaohao’s lessons in order to have a large raid buff for yourself over the duration. so you’re casting sheilun’s for the buff rather than the heal. your primary throughput will be from keeping renewing mist on cd, enveloping mist during chi-ji, ancient teachings (fistweaving), hitting rising sun kick as close to on cooldown as possible and vivify cleaves.

[SooMweaving] [M+]
a major thing to note is that you no longer have resonant fists which is potentially an error on my behalf, but this is a good page for both afflicted and incorporeal. you are keeping the rising sun kick damage as you are still taking rising mist as a capstone even with this build. you will want to macro mana tea to yulon and absolutely blast with enveloping mist during yulon windows. you are using veil of pride on sheilun’s to deal with immediate burst damage again, though if you feel confident you can take shaohao’s lessons instead. this is true for both M+ builds! while you no longer have ancient teachings, you can see that you still need to get into melee to use rising sun kick or spinning crane kick.

[SooMweaving] [Raid]
here we have our first build without rising mist and potentially you should still take rising mist, but for the sake of things, i’ll showcase tear of morning. it’s a very powerful talent in raid. this build also doesn’t take sheilun’s gift which, again i think is potentially incorrect, but for the sake of build diversity i will show it. i will first and foremost admit that i prefer fistweaving lol so i have the least amount of practice with this build. this is a no sheilun’s build that is built on the tear of morning fantasy and is based around spreading renewing mist & enveloping mist to as many people as possible. this also gives you a shorter fort brew CD. with the jade serpent statue since i didn’t cover it earlier, just plop it down roughly where the fight is taking place and when you soothing mist (SooM) someone, it will replicate that. it does a lot of healing in the way that it is designed to, but is missing to me personally a lot of what makes a mistweaver itself. i do keep the rising sun kick damage because even without rising mist, you still have rapid diffusion and should be casting rising sun kick all the time. it’s just a core piece of mistweaver.

cast rising sun kick no matter your build :smiley:

cheers mate. there’s lots of good streamers and resources out there. by no means am i stating these builds as gospel, but moreso a tutorial. hopefully this is enough to get you started on your journey! happy weaving, champion <3