Rusty AF MW - Relearning to Heal

So I am struggling to grasp the proper balance on Mistweaving Heroic Abberus currently. I’m the rotational fifth healer, e.g., as needed, so normally I am running WW. Current gear is not maximized for MW, but it isn’t so bad that I can’t be. But my numbers are just too low. Does anyone have any suggestions for WAs or some simple rotational help? I am apart of the Monk Discord, but the conversations are so rapid I cannot keep up, and sadly I don’t know any MW players on guild or otherwise. I would just like to improve but for the life of me, I am struggling. Some talents seem more ideal for certain fights than others but Wow-Head talents don’t suggest them; but I am not enjoying using prefabbed talents.

Long winded, I know, but I just want to improve.

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There’s a lot of moving parts at current so there are a lot of possibilities.
First and foremost is ReM tracking, if you don’t have one make a WA for the total count of ReM. Four set makes Vivify a monster so making sure you are getting consistent coverage is fairly important.
Next in point to the above is; more vivify. I keep having to tell myself to cast it more often to really start seeing good numbers.
Minute Chi-Ji/Yu-Lon for heroic are probably more of a ‘just use it on cd’ then trying to find perfect locations for them.

As for talents, I use a madman’s build entirely focused around RSK so I really can’t say on how to make the wowhead builds work. I’d also ask which of the prefab talents you aren’t enjoying since you might be able to get away with cutting them and going in a different direction.

WoWhead is also pretty generic choices so if you think a talent might work better for a fight that isn’t suggested then go ahead and try it.

EDIT: Also, five healing tends to exacerbate some things so you might just not have enough to heal to really look good depending on the fight.

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I don’t raid beyond LFR for the story so I can’t help out. Best I can suggest is to play around with the talents and see what feels good to you and gets the job done.

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Thank you so much. I honestly haven’t been mindful of my Vivify usage because of how much I am trying to be on top of my RSK uptimes and BK as well, for just mana return. I don’t exactly prefer to fistweave, but much of research has led me to the conclusion that it is superior currently. As for talents, we were on Heroic Zsarn last week and I actually switched my talents to lower the CD time on Cocoon to provide more externals for the tanks on the bombs, and a nice quick Emergency button for the dld who hit traps without intending to. I suppose I am old fashion and have an innate chip on my shoulder from back in the day, when elitists would rub me through a verbal ringer if my talents were NOT cookie cutter to what everyone else playing that class could be. I definitely see there is a lot of capabilities for a unique build now; it’s just discovery and understanding I struggle with.

Actually for raid, and this is just from what I’ve heard, the Clouded Focus build is really good. I personally run a homebrew build of my own, but again I only ever do LFR, but it works great. I rarely run low on mana (even in mythic+) and the throughput feels really good.


Thank you! I’m learning more and more that it is perfectly acceptable now to do this; back during Cata and MOP, I was considered a baddie for even attempting to step outside of the Elitest perception.

There are some who still say stuff like that but honestly, unless you are pushing the highest levels of content any build will work. I’m glad you are having fun with it!

Remember that yulon, mana tea, enveloping mist, vivify spam will take you places. Keep RM up and rsk as much as you can. Once you get your four piece and rashoks mana issues seem to just go away. Try not to cast EF unless you have to. Sheiluns gift is a pretty great heal as well.


If you aren’t a full time mw then just play the fistweave raid build. It’s pretty easy and will help you heal well enough to not get yelled at. It’s what I do when I am asked to help heal. Just essence font on cd to keep up ancient teachings, keep renewing mist and rsk on cd, use your instant cast viv every 10 seconds. That’s basically it. When big damage is about to go out, sheiluns into chiji. You won’t parse high but you’ll do well enough.

The clouded focus build does more hps but you need to play mw more to nail the ramp. If not, you’ll just overheal. This is further exacerbated if you play with 1 or 2 awesome healers.

We have been overhealing my raid so I figured if I couldnt parse I was going to go fistweaving to even out the damage and let people save mana for the big spikes and it worked out pretty well.

Just download that one weak aura someone in the peak of serenity discord suggested.

It shows you when someone uses their big healer cooldown so you can revival at the same time to cut it off and parse better.


Thats exactly what I need! I wish I could ramp renewing mists/Yulon faster to cut them off better.

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I personally wouldn’t do it as it’s pretty toxic behavior that was suggested in one of the most toxic class discords, but it does make you look better on a chart and is hard to be called out for unless you were directed to use revival at a certain time, dont have it, and not having it causes a wipe.

Only justifiable reason one should do this stuff imo is if the RL is bad and stacked too many healers and you are worried they will ask you to swap to dps when you don’t want to. Instead you could suggest to your raid leader to recruit or pug more dps to balance it out, but if your GM/RL is anything like mine…probably not happening.

High healer parses aren’t a tell all for who is a great healer.

Side Note: The haste from Secret Infusion and Invoker’s Delight can help you ramp/spread your celestials breath around much faster/better.


if you scroll down just a couple posts i made a quick tl;dr on all 4 MW builds and tried my best to make them each a little different from one another to showcase the build variety. idk your stat spread atm so i can’t suggest which build is best for you, but it’s a starting point!!

We have 0 problems doing the content. I would never do it in a progression fight. But I completely forgot about this for some reason, I got rid of Invokers for the additional Sheiluns gift heal and wondered why I was having a hard time ramping. Thanks.

Dump SG for a buff ( pref the doubt or anger lessons - others are okay too )
SI for the buff ( pref Haste, but vers/crit okay too )
Celestial w/ Invoker’s Delight w/ Call to Dominance Trinket ( can also macro mana tea to your celestial )

Go nuts healing or spamming SCK

Such a dirty combo for both doing damage or healing.

Question, how many stacks does that build with the minute yu’lon? Obviously still powerful but mostly wondering how strong it gets.

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When I originally tested the trinket a few weeks ago I think I was getting anywhere between 3-5 stacks. Usually closer to 3-4. ( I have 30% haste before Secret Infusion and Invoker’s Delight - the haste procs could be why it varies so much, not sure )

Ill go sit at the dummy and get back to you shortly! Just want to make sure I get an accurate enough picture.

Tested it a few times:

1- 4 Stacks in the 1 min window
2- 3 Stacks
3- 6 Stacks
4- 3 Stacks
5- 4 Stacks
6- 8 Stacks ( im not sure if I just hit the right buttons to get more stacks or if I just got lucky here )
7- 1 Stack
8- 3 Stacks
9- 4 Stacks
10- 1 stack

On average 3-4 stacks sounds about right per minute, w/ a rare chance to get more, or less, stacks.

Someone better at this will have to test it out properly though if you want a really accurate picture. This was me just spamming things at the training dummy for the 1 minute for a quick guestimate. Sometimes it felt like no matter what I did I couldn’t break 1 stack, other times it kept generously giving them to me. Im not sure if that is the nature of the trinket or if I was spamming the wrong abilities more than the right ones. Could have a set % to proc that is lower with no internal CD but Im not sure.

( I really wish blizz would add more info ( re exact proc rates ) to item tooltips )

Anyways hope this helps. If you want me to test it in a more specific way lemme know and I can try that : 3