Trying to find groups in Classic is as awful as it ever was

Try using World Chat and the Looking for Group Chat.


No way. Why do people want to ruin this game?


Was it in WoW 1.12?

Yes: report as a bug.

No: don’t waste your time. Devs stated to exhaustion that they are #nochanges.

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regardless of size for realm that was the great thing about Vanilla, yes you couldn’t find a group to do quest they may be none around. That’s why guilds were such a big thing back then, you could always ask your guild mates to group with or if it was a quest item which was a huge upgrade you could always ask a friend you made along the way. or a high level guild to run you through so you wont get so much experience and still be able to benefit from the item.

Play a tank or healer role and make your own groups, join a guild, add people as friends that youve played with and ask them for dungeons another day…
there are multiple solutions to your problem that I doubt youve tried and you’re already jumping to just add a LFG finder (which a majority of people don’t want)


There are actually a few that remain Low / Medium all the time. The amount of time it takes to find a group I do find hard to believe though.

Personally i think this is what killed a large portion of the community. I do not want this. If i wanted this i would go to retail and never think as i leveled to cap. do /join lfg and /join lookingforgroup. I have ZERO issues getting groups as a dps - so i am not sure what the issue you are hitting is. Did you ninja a group? Or are you a constant complainer in groups? If so you might have just been blacklisted by people who are spamming dungeons.


Again do you not understand the difference between dungeon finder and LFG? I’m not asking for dungeon finder, I’m asking for the tool that allows you to manually advertise a group for a specific dungeon/quest.

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REFAIL IS THAT WAY WHICH INCLUDES LFG/LFD TOOLS -------------------------------->

Thank you


So I’m Horde and want to run Gnomeregan. Should I go to Dun Morogh and ask in general chat?


What? This isn’t a thing.


The issue is that I am playing on a low pop server and there are simply not enough people in those channels to find groups on a regular basis. It’s not like I haven’t done any dungeons - I have. But there are really only 2-3 hours a day where there are enough people in the channel to assemble a group for anything.

And it’s not like I have much choice in server. There is only 1 Oceanic PvE server.

I hated LFG because it was cross server. Making one that is strictly for one server wouldn’t, i suspect, have garnered so much hatred. All it would have to do is group people of the same server together, it wouldn’t even have to transport them to the dungeon. Just throw your name in the hat and wait for your group to form while you quest and farm.

Blizz took what could’ve been a boon to server group finding and went way overboard.


And yet it isnt authentic to vanilla wow.

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RIP - that sucks. I can only speak on US servers so i cant say what the issue there is. Seems odd though that there is only 1 Oceanic server. Surely there is more demand for classic there than that? Confusion is real.

You obvlously don’t know what the LFG tool is, why do you have an opinion on something you don’t even know exists?

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That’s… that’s exactly what I am talking about ClassicLFG.

See my post near the top of the thread, it’s an addon, it does this and it also creates a list of other people who advertised in area channels that put up a LFG message.

Except Blizzard broke it a week ago and it no longer functions at all.

You don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m literally looking at (And USING) a functional version of it now.

You believe the hype you read everywhere don’t you? The author caved and took out the features Blizzard didn’t want in it.


It’s not gone lol. I used it today