Trying to destroy Professions?

So long as the craftables aren’t BoP we can all have fun. I don’t know why this is hard for them. I don’t have a time when I liked them most.

I mean I did like BC most, but only because tailoring got me that SP proc. But I don’t need that.

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Many changes over the years have left professions useless. What reason do I have to buy from a crafter in this game anymore? When leveling a new character I can wear heirlooms which not only scale with me as I level, but also give an XP boost. When I get to max level all the best gear and weapons are aquired in PVP, M plus or raids. Alchemy and enchanting seem to be the only professions that actually have a benefit at endgame. In order for a crafting system to work in a game there has to be some form of dependancy for crafted items. Legendaries was a good start but they need to keep going. Every profession should have some use at endgame.

To people like these…Don’t play classic. You will cry on a retail return.

Goblin goods were built to blast! BS…

Well, Legendaries in Shadowlands, for starters.

The problem is that the Legendary market on most servers is dominated by Auction House bots. Until Blizzard deals with the AH botting problem (and yes, that includes addons like TSM), the gold flow of professions will continue to be monopolized by botters.

Legendaries was a good start but they need to keep going. Every profession should have some use at endgame. Otherwise, what’s the point of grinding it in the first place?

MOre sockets coming so JC may get some use now. Slow as hell start for them I gather.

You must spam the maw for rep to get sockets mall walker! The hell I do. You can keep that socket. At covenant story done and no more to do…no more trips were made.


Tell em to let us craft higher damage bombs an stuff in 9.1

The irony is that professions are in a sense “borrowed power” except they are/were earned and provided fun and relatively unique rewards.

They were a meaningful choice. Now here we are with…whatever this crap shoot of systems is currently. The longer I take a break from the game, the more I realize that these people have no idea what they are doing in terms of making something enjoyable/rewarding.

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originally professions were an alternative gearing path, but the current crop of devs fear that self actualization.


What we need is for each crafting profession to have a BoP and a BoE mount and pet each expansion. That would go a long way toward making crafting sustainable.

Well said, as usual.

They’ve destroyed everything else, why not destroy professions as well. You know, just to be thorough.

Short answer: Unintentionally yes

Medium answer: Create an XP locked toon lvl 30 or less. There are so many worth while items, enchants, etc. that you start to get into theory crafting. Current game is build x,y,z or character is hitting with a pool noodle.

Crafted engineering goodies can always be bought at a fraction of the cost of the corresponding mats.

It is almost like a hobby instead of a profession—you spend money to do it instead of earning money.

I wonder if the price of engineering goodies would shoot up if non-engineers could also use them, like alchemy pots?


I also think they intentionally keep crafted gear at minimum power levels to avoid infringing upon raid rewards.


Legion professions offered a fair amount of catch up gear until the Argus patch. Everything since then has been horrendous unless you play alchemy.

I am going to disagree with your comment.

This topic came up an an earlier thread related to WoD and I parked an answer there:

The money quote:

I still remember the epic rant in Teamspeak, during MoP, from a guild member that had left our guild to go off to a cutting edge guild and was running SoO with us on an alt. We’d just downed Sha of Pride and the usual stuff was going on. People were swapping enchants, gems, and a couple had popped back to reforge. Then someone asked for a food buff. Instantly we had four or five noodle carts up and people were laughing at how many there were. His rant started with “What in the @#$@# is the matter with you people, everyone of you is gemmed, enchanted and has maxed professions, but you aren’t raiders… all anyone in our raid guild complains about is having to do all the extra crap required before they can set foot in the raid and you people are giving away gems, enchants, and consumables for free…”

I remember hearing this same sentiment from people that were big into raiding over and over. All through Cata and into MoP.


I don’t believe that for one second.

Casual players do not typically min-max perks for less than a 1% difference in performance. For new toons, they would pick the professions that seem good for the class/race or that they don’t have yet.

Profession perks were removed with the advent of WoD, Ion’s first chance to make a raidloggers’ dream expac. No coincidences there.


Okay, you can take it up with GC, then.

I believe you that he said something like that, but either you were misunderstanding what type of player he was referring to, or he was misunderstanding his audience.

It was the real hardcore raiders that all had JC/Engi back in MoP, for example, to absolutely maximize stats.

The real casuals were going with gathering+crafting combos, or whatever they wanted. Some didn’t even max out their professions.

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Used to be there were enchants or enhancements for every slot. Remember belt buckles?

One of the reason gems/enchants were removed from some slots and things like belt buckles were removed were because: “The devs didn’t want people to have to wait to equip an item until after the raid.” Which would be required if you needed to gem/enchant an item to “make it usable”.

This was never a problem in the social/casual guilds that I ran with in WoTLK, Cata and MoP. They were swimming in consumables. We’d stop every 4 bosses to allow people to gem and enchant. I always had leg enchants on this LW, and our gem crafters and enchanters had crap tons of stuff to give away. (Edit to add: TO GIVE AWAY)

I remember reading that Dev comment about gems and enchants and thinking it didn’t make any sense. Until I asked people I knew that were doing “real raiding”. As opposed to the kiddie raiding we did. You know Flex, LFR, and old content stuff. Then when they explained what a PITA it was to ensure raid teams were optimal I understood.


Personally, I’m not a raider and I look at crafting as a nice thing to chase and flesh out even if I do think it needs work. I’m also in agreement with

But I think it’s more someone else on the team and the likely hood is Ion and a few others raid log whereby they have also someone else on their team do the alchemy/herb important stuff, so the people ‘green lighting’ ideas don’t have a grasp of what can work, they just see it as ‘‘hey this dev likes their own idea, they should work on it because here in blizzard, we want the dev to like what they work on’’… or they honestly don’t hold professions to a standard of any kind to allot time/effort into it.

It can be so much more after 17 yrs but it’s pretty, underwhelming to put it lightly.

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