Trying to complete the Legion Campaign on my hunter

who’s now level 60 because I need the Tomb of Beasts and apparently forgot to get it when it was easier to do so.

Anyone know how I can pick up the Legion Campaign quest chain? I went to the Org Warchief’s Command Board but it’s not there and Idk where Chromie is or if I even need to go to her to do it.

Any help/suggestions are appreciated.

Accept anything on that board, one or two or more, till legion one shows up, then, you know, delete the ones you don’t need and keep legion one. Talk to some dude outside of ogrimmar, do small quest, but don’t board the ship, go back to him and skip the scenario.

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I accepted all of them on the board and the Legion one didn’t show up. I’ll try it again.

Talk to Holgar whatshisface brb Holgar Stormaxe, see if he has any quest for you.

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Nope. I think my problem is that on this hunter I did part of the Legion Campaign but not all of it.
I did it completely on 5 alts but not her. Dang.

So I’ll try to just pick it up where I left off. A lot’s changed since then though.
Makes it hard.

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My deepest condolences.

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Thanks, :sweat_smile:

there’s nothing in the game with this name.

enable low level quest tracking.

go to Dalaran, go to Krasus Landing, on the left there will be an eagle to take you to the hunter class hall if you started the content.
or the quest to activate it might be there.

without a name and realm, anyone would just be guessing at where you left off.

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I suggest going to wowhead and finding the list of all quests for the campaign and manually entering the script for each of them to find which one returns completed:false to know where you left off

I had the same issue with a paladin alt who left off at a quest given by khadgar under dalaran that didn’t show up on the map which took hours to find lol

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I have trivial quests enabled.

It’s on my hunter Dianae on KJ.

I got excited when I thought I could just pick up the Legion questchain from the warboard. Ah well.

I think I’m just going to have to do what Battlemaster said. It’s been a long time and there was some I completed on that hunter and some I didn’t so it’s going to be a slog.

Ty to you & Battlemaster anyway.

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ah… ok.

a tome is a bit different than a tomb

one is a book, the other is a mausoleum :stuck_out_tongue:

Dinae has already opened the class hall.

Go to the class hall and see if the stable master will sell it to you

I did. She won’t. I have to get my class mount before she’ll have the book available for sale.

That means I have to complete the Legion campaign, which I didn’t do on that hunter.
Very dumb of me. Also my misspelling of “tomb” and forgetting “hybrid” in the book title.

Nothing’s ever easy in this game when you leave off and then come back after a long while.
This’ll teach me.

for some reason the class hall stuff was never listed in the quest trackers.

you could download “All The Things”… which will give you a list of quests you haven’t completed, along with any pre-requisites.

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All the Things is an addon? Cool. I’ll do that. It’s got to make it somewhat easier.

Ty again.

you can go through these to see where you might have left off

See if you've already completed this by typing:

/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(44004))

this was a lifesaver lol



…but beware, if you like to collect stuff, you’ll get super addicted to the addon, and find yourself trying to collect “all the things” :stuck_out_tongue:

All The Things - addon link

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Already doing this, the addon will just help enable me, thanks for the info! bwahaha

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If you’ve never touched Legion on that hunter, all you should have to do is enter Legion Dalaran on said hunter and the bird should pop up with the quest to start the class hall chain.

(I couldn’t access the legion intro quest on my Evoker no matter what I did. I had to take the portal to Azsuna and then fly to Dalaran, then talk to the NPC to get a Dalaran Hearthstone, and was able to talk to Khadgar to start my “Class Hall” quest)

If you started it and stopped partway through, you’ll need to track down where you ended.

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No, I got the class hall. I didn’t get the class mount. That’s what I need to get before I can get the Tome of Hybrid Beasts.

To do that, I have to finish the Legion Campaign.

Like Rosanna Rosannadanna always said, “if it’s not one thing, it’s another”.

I’m using this now and yeah, I can see where it can be really addicting but also useful.

Tyvm for this and @ Battlemaster, tyvm for that link too. I think I’ll be able to get it from here.

Turn on “Track Trivial Quests” on the minimap and see if any quests pop up in Dalaran, the Broken Isles, or in Trueshot Lodge on the map?