Trying to complete the Legion Campaign on my hunter

Which campaign are you referring to?
The hunter class campaign or the main story?

Have you done the breaching the tomb achievement on another character before now?
If so it will make it easier to get the class hall mount and the feathermane tome.

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I did. On my DK, Snowslight. Did the whole campaign on her, got her class mount, everything on her and 4 other toons.

I was going to do it on my hunter Dianae but got distracted.

So does that mean I don’t have to complete the Legionfall Campaign and Breaching the Tomb?

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Yes that does. You just do the main hunter storyline, then once you’re done with that, you go to Deliverance point to get the quest that sends you back to your class hall, do that and bam! You’ll have the mount! If you need more help with finding out which quest is which I can link them.

Edited to add what you need to do. You’ll get a quest in Violet Citadel from Kadgar called Armies of Legionfall, you go to the Landing area in Dal to talk to him, skip the cutscene. Turn the quest in, then pick up the orange quest that will be near the ruined building a few steps away, which will send you back to the hunter class hall and you’ll do all of that quest chain to get the class hall mount. After that, you’ll be able to talk to Pan the Kind Hand in the class hall for the tome. You’ll have to send it to any other hunters on your account if you make any others and don’t want to do the questline again.

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Tyvm. I was going in circles trying to figure this out. Much appreciated.

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Of course! If you need any more help just reply here since I usually have the forums open while I do other things.