Trying Lost Ark

I am not a fan of Korean fantasy games, they are typically pretty cheesy for my tastes and nothing but grindfests. With how positive the reviews are and how established the fan base is I am giving this game a go.

I don’t expect it to die like New World because the game has years under it’s belt. I’ll at least enjoy it for the new MMORPG rush… I’ve only ever did that in WoW and for their expacs.

It sucks it is Unreal Engine 3 cause that typically performs like garbage. I’m not going to lie, the environments and dungeons from what I’ve seen look really impressive. How’s the servers doing in early launch? I am sure the F2P launch will be a distaster.

Edit: Put a few hours in it (around 5) I’m having fun, the story and voice acting is pretty bad but the combat is really fun once you get the hang of it. It’s free, so it’s whatever. I’m also really impressed with the music, it is quite good. I did some boss battles and secret dungeons. The open world boss fight was insane, there were so many people on my screen and the fight felt epic.

Some negatives… You can definitely tell this is a heavily monetized game, the interface is pretty awful and it has tons currencies like any other korean mmo. I am really not to happy with UE3 because it sucks but oh well maybe they will get it moved over eventually. I am also not a fan of gender locked stuff. But they are apparently going to be releasing tons of classes so hopefully this will balance out.

But there is something about it, I couldn’t quite pull myself away from it tonight. It’s a lot of fun.


People probably need to get out of the mindset that F2P=Bad, or low quality. But if you want to ask questions about that game…you should really do it on their forums/reddit page.


I’m waiting until it becomes f2p and then I’ll try it out. My first thoughts from watching Asmongold is that the combat seems kind of barebones. Like he only has 8 keybinds or so for attacks and kills everything just mashing. People complain about WoW classes being watered down but will praise lost ark I guess.

Aside from that though, the game looks solid

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I’m interested to see how it plays out. People are really excited for this game.

I’m not ready interested in 9.2 or T6 BC so hopefully this will stick for awhile.

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Tying this into WoW so it isn’t totally off-topic, I would love it if WoW took a lesson from other MMOs and had actual solo content that was rewarding. Not just dumb open-world welfare content, but like good content you can chew on a little bit and get rewarded for. Dungeons and raids should be the main form of progression but when you don’t have the boys online it would be nice to have something to engage with that actually has you using your brain a bit.


That was supposed to be Torghast


F2P isn’t bad. the monetization is.

f2p is too expensive for me, tbh.


I would have loved to live in the timeline where Torghast wasn’t such a disaster. I hope they learned lessons and that 10.0 will finally put out a good system of content like that at launch.


i don’t think lot of people will stick to the game , the game is way too mobile tier

will still do better than new world in long term

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I’d rather watch Raiders of the Lost Ark.


Took one look at it and got flashbacks of TERA.


Seems exhausting hopping from the latest heavily-shilled fotm game to the next.

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maybe… I just don’t think Lost Ark is like that because it has years of development and already has a huge fan base in the US…

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Yea this isn’t the usual game is hyped up but no one has actually played it.

It deserves its hype. It just may not appeal to everyone.

The PvE can be P2W, but you don’t need to pay anything to progress through it. It also doesn’t purposefully inconvenience you to incentivize purchases.

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I’ve played about 20 hours so far, purchased a platinum founders pack.

The game is nothing short of incredibly fun and challenging.

There are solo dungeons and scenarios, you can do them on various difficulties like in diablo for better loot.

Combat feels good, really good. If you like diablo / ARPG style combat. My class flavor feels excellent. The story lines are so far, very decent. Not amazing but nothing as bad as SL.

No, it’s not a 3D MMO like WoW, no it’s not a “WoW Killer” what it is, is a really great game and also MMO to spend time on while you may be bored of other games that you play.

Nothing stopping me whatsover from playing Lost Ark most of the day then switching to wow tonight except that… I’m just enjoying this game too much. Each zone has me excited to see the next. I don’t know how to explain it other than I got them vibes like early 2000’s when wow first came out.

It really helps that this game is solidly an RPG before it is anything else (like an esport).

There’s so much to learn and do it just feels fresh. The best way I can describe it is i feel like the game is a mix of Legand of Zelda: Link to the Past, meets Final Fantasy, meets Diablo. but with the full social aspect of MMO (guilds, players all around the world around you, dungeon que finder, region wide (multi server) auction house, etc.

The number of cut scenes that are voiced over in the game is out of this world.

If you dislike any type of game that isn’t click on a target and spam spells , or if you disliked diablo, this game isn’t for you.


Wow… i posted a big write up about my experience and it has disappeared without even a notification.

Guess the mods here are that scared of players expressing information that they delete it.

Just confirms my bias for not playing WoW much in the future after all.

Do we live in a secret police state now where opinions of other games can’t be shared?


They know the days of WoW are pretty much over. Lost Ark looks fun and may just hold me over till Ashes of Creation or at least 10.0 if it is decent.


I associate free to play with cheaters

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Its pretty bad. I played for 30 minutes and deleted it from Steam.

Very difficult to play with a mouse and customize the key binds. Lots of key binds are defaulted to the keyboard and cant be changed. Moving with the mouse button is not my thing. I would rather use the arrow keys and I cant change it.

Was able to move abilities to mouse side button but there are constant errors (key bind not bound messages).

I dont like the over the shoulder 3rd person view. Dont know if you can change it. I couldnt find a way.

It plays more like Diablo but its an MMO. If you like Diablo, you might actually like this one. Just not for me with all the customization issues.

Really, really nice graphics and it will play on older hardware, which is really nice.

Try it on FTP, you might enjoy it.


I’m worried about the movement and ability bindings too, fingers crossed. It did launch with controller support, so it might be kind of fun to play that way. I’m not sure, I liked Diablo but it isn’t my favorite genre…and prefer 3rd person myself.

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