I am not a fan of Korean fantasy games, they are typically pretty cheesy for my tastes and nothing but grindfests. With how positive the reviews are and how established the fan base is I am giving this game a go.
I don’t expect it to die like New World because the game has years under it’s belt. I’ll at least enjoy it for the new MMORPG rush… I’ve only ever did that in WoW and for their expacs.
It sucks it is Unreal Engine 3 cause that typically performs like garbage. I’m not going to lie, the environments and dungeons from what I’ve seen look really impressive. How’s the servers doing in early launch? I am sure the F2P launch will be a distaster.
Edit: Put a few hours in it (around 5) I’m having fun, the story and voice acting is pretty bad but the combat is really fun once you get the hang of it. It’s free, so it’s whatever. I’m also really impressed with the music, it is quite good. I did some boss battles and secret dungeons. The open world boss fight was insane, there were so many people on my screen and the fight felt epic.
Some negatives… You can definitely tell this is a heavily monetized game, the interface is pretty awful and it has tons currencies like any other korean mmo. I am really not to happy with UE3 because it sucks but oh well maybe they will get it moved over eventually. I am also not a fan of gender locked stuff. But they are apparently going to be releasing tons of classes so hopefully this will balance out.
But there is something about it, I couldn’t quite pull myself away from it tonight. It’s a lot of fun.