Tryhards ruin everything

470 ilvl gods smash through LFR leaving everyone in the dust then drop group after last boss while you’re still stuck walking past the second boss trying to pick up stuff.

So much fun.

I have been blocking them all so I never get in a group again but it completely saps the joy out of the game for me seeing these people after a week do this crap.

Nothing is sacred anymore. “We just want fast bronze”

It’s all a means to an end. The purpose of Remix lost on these people. It’s just another collection game to them.


I just got hard Thor and Etri vibes.

“Only if I die”
“Yes, thats what being killed means”.

This entire event was about becoming OP and collecting stuff.

So what is the purpose of the event, in your mind?


I agree with OP, some players enjoy running the old content with a degree of challenge that requires working as a team with like minded individuals.

Not everyone wants to mindless grind one mob so we can skirt any challenge and not have to use skills.


I get that, I do.

But you can control your own toon. Nobody forced you to go Farm. Nobody is forcing you to use the best gems nor the best combo of class/gem. YOU can set your OWN challenges.

Why prevent others from playing the way they want, if you can play the way YOU want already?

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All styles of play should be rewarded in a similar fashion. The problem is not that some want to farm frogs mindless, the problem is the rewards were too out of line with the rest of the play styles.

If frog farming was a legit route to progress it would not have been nerfed less than a week in.

Personally I think blizzard does this stuff on purpose to throw the no lifers a bone that beta test.


So why not advocate for better rewards, while still keeping the options open for others?


You won’t be able to convince the cheaters and exploiters that cheating and exploiting is cheating and exploiting.

The path of least resistance and most rewards is all this game has become. It is corporate gameplay. Sociopaths and psychopaths dominate while those who are legit and play the game the way it is intended suffer.


I am on board with this as well. Increasing rewards so that the gap is decreased between farmers and non farmers would be a huge step in the right direction

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To be clear: I did not participate in the Great Frog Genocide 2: Electric Boogaloo. I did not realize I could go there pre-70. Had I known, however, yes I probably would have participated, because how the heck was I supposed to know that the way the game worked in Retail MoP was not intended in Remix? Especially when this event was billed as a “OP romp for collectors”.

Heres the thing, friends. Anyone who has played WoW in the past 10 years knows about the Frog Genocide. If it was truly unintended to begin with, why didnt the devs prevent it from happenign on the PTR? Why did they not fix it in the PTR? Why did they even code a way to turn Lesser charms into OP??


We are at a point where some people who didn’t frog farm are catching up to that op level. They have been playing the game as intended, just a whole lot more than you. Be mad at blizzard for making it a massive grind and not the players who are able to play the game a lot.

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I agree, it was intended. They intended to nerf it prob about a week in and just pulled the trigger earlier. This type of early game exploits are left in at the launch of every expansion as a sort of “thank you” to beta testers and to created a buffer for players to feel elite. They may have gone a bit too far this time though as its so glaring.

There is a whole sub culture of players that beta test and run exploits on launch, that is the game for them.


Because the playing field isn’t fair.


It was, before they nerfed the frogs. Thats on Blizzard, not the players.


Yeah… it’s on Blizzard to do something.

Or they could have not done something and just let the farm exist, so players could choose to go that route if they wanted to get OP quickly.

Its only unfair now that its been nerfed.


Yeah, pick one, but it’s an issue. It’s not in isolation either.

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This mode has significantly increased the power gaps between players & the ones that farmed early can quite easily solo farm anything in game right now.

But no000 they have to join a group finder normal dungeon then proceed at mach 9.9 to 1 shot the final boss before the rest of the group are buffed and ready to go go.


Exactly this. Why are these half brained exploiters joining raids instead of soloing content? Its sad.


Normal players can obtain 2m - 3m HP and with extremely high stats, just imagine in a week how much worse it’ll be on average? This was inevitable, and the entire point of the mode lol.

I mean they could just go ahead and reset the cloaks of exploiters & take off 25% but they wont.