Tryhards ruin everything

Validation, Admiration, feelings of inadequacy they need to get rid of, Attention, the look at me look at me personality, the pick me guys who knows.

Pick your poison

All i know is they are insufferable imbeciles.


for the reals.

Not gonna lie, when I see a Frogger join any group I’m in, I’m happy as heck. I know we aren’t going to wipe and my time isn’t wasted. In the massive bronze grind that Blizzard has decided we must do if we want all the mounts and stuff, time is the most important thing to me and if a Frogger can reduce that, even a smidge, then god bless their frog killing souls.


question to those defending behavior describe in OP. do you… genuinely think… .that waiting for the rest of the group to catch up before engaging the boss is too much to ask of someone? that such a basic courtesy to the group you are using to farm your bronze is just unacceptable sacrifice of few minutes of your time, and never mind that YOU are wasting time of 24 other people?

like… fine. you are OP, you can smash through content very quickly - awesome for you! but if you are using group finder - please… for the love of god… STOP treating the rest of the group like npc and not actual people behind their own screens and keyboards.

had a run like that in a scenario where the dude straight up stealthed past everything on their rogue, and ever mind that neither mine no the other person in the group’s character had stealth available…


I hate free stuff too.

This is so true, plus if the frog farmers have one thing in spades its free time, why are they in a rush.

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Lol? Even without a single frogger in your raid these LFR wings are easier than normal mode dungeons, 25 people proccing Meteor kills entire packs instantly

I will try to understand what you mean here? You think having a frog farmer in a group or raid with you does not reduce the difficulty in anything?

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“just enjoy the carry”
No…go play content youre geared for and stop trying to impress anyone.

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If they’re blasting through it so fast you’re still on the 2nd boss, then they’re not picking up their bronze, so something about your story seems to be a tall tale.

Every frogger I’ve encountered has been pretty polite, obviously helpful, and they have so far even taken bad behaviour from others pretty well.

Maybe your problem is a you thing.

There’s good bronze bonus for everyone in LFR. Which you knew.
So maybe adjust your attitude.

I finally got in a group with a frogger today. It was an Oondasta group that was just forming (there were 4 of us ) and this player runs out and pulls the boss. It was dead in about 5 seconds, give or take! :flushed:

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like I said…NO ONE is impressed with your trying to solo the place.
keep YOUR attitude aimed at someone other than me.

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They seem to be able to do some damage thanks to GEAR, nothing to do with skill…but nearly all of them cant hold aggro with a spit. That IS a skill issue.

No, you still need to change your attitude.
You are seeing red for no good reason, unprovoked. You have the same energy as an untrained/unloved dog who will bite the hand that feeds them.

Im not here to give you the attention you aint getting in life…bye bye… :wave: :wave:

Funny that THIS is what passes as game ruining, and not the “horde main mentality” being the way it is making it impossible to do anything.

I guess it’s largely because I ran MoP LFR while it was current and experienced all the possible ways that things could go sideways, but I actually like having players in the raid who can curb stomp everything. :man_shrugging:

Because right now the level of Dev incompetence is at an all time high. They were informed of this multiple times on the PTR and just decided to take the “Eff It” route.

Yes they are more skilled than me, obviously. But blunder after blunder at every failed launch of a patch or event is an absolute meme-worthy debacle.

Let me reiterate: the level of Dev incompetence is astounding right now.