if you’re going to rehash WOTLK, try something new. When you reach the end. drop in 5 levels for mini update… add some dungeons. why Not have the dungeon start as normal… you reach the end and the last boss gives you a key… with a door… that door lets you enter and all new heroic… at it’s end Mythic… replay wise you can go through all of it… or just each section as it’s beaten but never just upgrade to heroic.
Second lets take a new class divide and path… it’s Blizzards chance to truly innovate with more that just DPS, TANK, Healer. why do we have 3 dps of most classes. I one think and evasion Rogue tank that teleports in the shadows and uses a Shadow bubble to mitigate dmg or clones with a Rippetos sounds like a lot of fun to me. An off handed Sword breaker. A time mage that heals. or and ice mage that a High CC tank… I personally find the Shadow Priest and Enchantment shaman or old perfect for a support class. you just have to made sure there buffs outpower the the urge to bring another dps.
One way you can do this is 1 DPS class gives everyone a plus 8 to dps. a second a + 4 and if you bring a third you get a Negative 20 to dps. it’s a cheap way to do it but and easy way. I see no reason a Rogue can’t have a bard class… or a hunter a bring a Healing pet and DPS pet to add to group… just saying the possibilities are endless and I think blizzard could make it happen. I’ve played on Player build servers that pull this off…
the one thing I always said Rift for correct over everything was it’s ability to make use of a Support character… I think if blizzard did this and brough a nice in game VOiP to help players work together it could really drive your classic servers into a new direction as opposed to just rehashing old materials and instead making them new again…
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I’m okay with the game the way it is.
I’d be interested in new classes and content, but not for Wotlk. This would be where classic+ comes in. Lord knows if they’ll ever actually do it tho
That’s exactly what I mean… Like an alternative timeline for wotlk. i DON’T want live in my fantasy. it’s a joke enough on its own… I’m simply thinking a small team dedicated to playing around with the code and trying out different ways or doing classes and structuring the game in an “alternate time line” because why not… small team could do it… if they can do Classless and COA and they don’t know the code inside out… i’m sure blizzard could …
no one trying to change live my friend… I’m talking about a sandbox for blizzard to play in
Nah save all the silly ideas for retail.
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I think that’s to often their problem. Minimum planning and beta testing and they just stick it in the game.
Addin levels will be a mistake, but people dont’ seem to get this.
Classic or Wrath + is just continuation of the game. It means adding new raids every 6 months or so. It means rated battle grounds and new arena seasons. Those are core features of +. Actual new content. Expansion packs are out dated models for mmo rpgs. They just need to use the base game of wrath or classic and build on it by adding new content.
If they just use the same old raids and do class balancing it’ll be a borefest that nobody will play.
honestly some super rich person/company needs to buy the WoW franchise and start making expansions starting from vanilla again. go a whole new path. no dark portal nonsense, just finish the original world of azeroth. so much stuff left uncompleted.
it has to be a new company though. actiblizzard cannot be trusted. 
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Blizz isn’t capable of debugging LFD, let alone creating new content.
This. Please realize readers
You want new content and new things?
retail is the game you’re looking for, not classic
If they didn’t do this at the peak of classic they won’t do it now.
Their crowning achievements in Classic:
SoI participation trophy “buff”
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can I interest you in the ways of the Earthen Wardening?
nah brah
gimme my dance studio
Retail is already doing something new. Speaking of which, that’s where you should be posting.

retail is so far from classic wow it’s like telling people to go play a different genre of game
Blizz should be seeking to keep the classic subscribers by planning a new classic experience with new classic-style content.