Try a low pop server group

So, you’re in a cycle of endless GDKP’s with fewer and fewer connections to any particular guild? or maybe you’re new and just stuck in gdkp’s.

There’s only one large server group that has a lot of population, but it’s almost impossible to level mining or herbalism at high level due to the high population combined with bots and farmers. What to do?

I originally re-rolled a character on a low pop server group to try to farm mats and things, and in that process, I discovered a small and growing community of people that I now really enjoy playing with so I decided to stay.

Low pop server groups have benefits and drawbacks, but imo, if you are socially oriented rather than interested in hoarding gold to buy your way through content, then this might actually be for you too. We don’t do GDKP’s. Actually the pop is so small that we are forced to help each other because there’s only about 30 active alliance players on the server and even less horde. Sounds rough, but actually it has brought us closer together as players. That’s something that I have found is missing from my experience on the whitemane server group. Not that it doesn’t exist there, it’s just much much harder to find and you’re also forced into GDKP runs to get gold to obtain the consumables and crafting materials that are almost impossible to find in that server group due to over farming by players, bots, and paid farmers combined.

The Benediction/Faerlina server group has a small but growing population of community oriented players who don’t like GDKP’s, you can still find lotus on occasion, level gathering professions, and be part of a community of players who legitimately help one another because we recognize that helping each other amounts to greater success in raids and content. Gold isn’t a priority here. We aren’t a greedy group of people.

What’s the catch? Well, you have to either roll a new character there, or pay for a transfer to the server. You could bring your unfortunate death in hardcore to this server as well, so that’s also an option.

There are more alliance than horde playing, and on alliance side we are able to clear all world bosses, dragons, ZG and AQ20, and after taking a break for a bit, we’ll be back to clearing MC soon. Some players left for Whitemane again and we are regrouping.

But whatever you want to play, come on over and check out the community.


Micro server life! We’re also recruiting in Grobbulus (unclustered). Ally raid times are M/F 7-10pm PT. Highly recommend anyone interested in a low pop server to come check it out :slight_smile:

Glad to hear Benediction/Farlenia having a similar experience as us

There are options besides mega gdkp meta boosting hell. YOU ARE NOT ALONE!