Tired? Broken? Searching?

Tired of reading forums and wishing you could raid Naxx with your friends?

Broken thanks to endless try-hard groups that force you to play a specific way and link your logs to prove you can PARSE in a game that really isn’t that hard in the first place?

Searching for a guild that just wants to have fun playing our favorite game of all time?!

There are answers. You are not alone.

Join Legacy tonight for an intensive, all night (7pm-10pm pacific time) seminar on raiding and loot manifestation. Reconnect with the nature of Vanilla WoW and learn the life-changing power on Legacy’s infamous raids.


Join us and restore your faith in Azeroth:


If only I didn’t suck at PvP I’d have come over long ago, but alas, I can’t fight my way out of a wet paper bag to save my life these days.

PvP isn’t a big problem on the server, since we just have one guild per faction.

It’s true, our rival horde guild will try to kill us all on sight, but thankfully their numbers are small, and it’s a very big world! We have a lot of PvP adverse folks, and I think most of the time the rare PvP encounters are a non issue…

That being said… they are out there and will kill us, and at times attempt to grief us. They are akin to gnats biting my ankles. I’m a pure holy spec priest, so I’m a sitting duck, and feel the pain… but truthfully my time playing is primarily raiding where they can’t get to me, and will occasionally send a few hordies to attempt to kill us as we march into Naxx.


Hey Jarl can your entire guild move to Oceania or SEA? I would like to play.

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Hehe I wish I could bend time and space, but alas, I am not of the brood of nozdormu.

We do have at least one Aussie player! I know Remulos is starting up an OCE crew. The timezones make it hard though, I know…

Played with the remulos peeps, but I am desiring a more RP nature to my gameplay :frowning: So I did start up on DD with hopes of some RP guilds forming (which they did!).

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