Should be once you earn TL3, you keep it and not have to jump through hoops each cycle to maintain it. If you lose it because you act like a fool, THEN you have to jump through hoops to get it back.
Everyone should be allowed to post URLs and videos unless they abuse that privilege and then it can be taken away. We have enough stuff to keep track of and grind in the game and shouldn’t have to do it here.
Maybe we should have forum quests " Make 6 posts on Sunday, tell 4 posters to learn to play and get 2 people to ignore you, then return to the “Trust Level Transparency” topic in General Discussion. Reward: 1000 post count.
It’s even weirder because people can posts URLs if they wrap them in ` quotes, but if you want to just copy + paste it in directly? Sorry, raise your TL before you can do that.
It makes very little sense, and I imagine that it’s the default setting for the forum software and it just wasn’t ever changed.
Maybe fixing forums is on our new overlords list, but there are too many things higher up on list perhaps.