Trust Level 3?


I really want to post images and links in my replies. I’m on Level 2 right now and am about to reach 100 Days Visited in 4 days.

I only have 9.1k Posts Read right now though, not 20k. Do I need to read… 11k posts within 4 days in order to get to Level 3? :woman_shrugging: If I don’t make it, will I have to wait another 100 days of activity?

If so then I have a lot of scrolling to do…

Go to the megathreads and youll get that in no time


I trust you, no need to grind


Was trusted once but ive been in timeout way too many times.

Dont be like me and get put in time out

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Trust level 3 is overrated. It’s been weeks since I’ve checked out the Lounge section.

But I don’t think you have anything to worry about OP. I’m pretty sure your level and progress only decreases if you are inactive on the forums for long enough(so no posts, reading, etc…). Though I may be wrong.

If you are truly worried about the read count, do as our furry friend said. Click on the mega threads and just scroll down, non stop. That counts as “reading”. lol.

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This whole Trust System is a friggin’ pain. It would be less of a pain if level 3 didn’t have to be maintained (IE once you got it, the only way to lose it would be moderation action on the forum account) and if it were account wide instead of per character.

So after getting to lvl 3 on trust, I lost it because I failed to view 20K posts per 100 day period, because I think I’d have the other bases covered.

“Take all things, including WoW in to moderation, except the forums. We’d prefer you to nolife the forums. K thx!”

But now I don’t really care because it’s such a friggin’ pain.



I get the point of Trust Levels but I wish they didn’t change between characters

When the new forums first came out I was posting on my main but I use a lot of character services and it would reset a lot with name/realm transfers.

So I chose a random alt to post on but now I’m playing Catch Up

Yeah, it’s not the getting level 3 that’s the problem, it’s maintaining it. You more or less have to do what you did to get it over and over and over.

:joy: Thanks for the tip, this won’t take too long

Time to go through the High Elf thread

How do you know the 4 days to 100 and posts views.

If you go to your profile there is a Summary section with all the “stats”

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I’ve never been to the lounge in my life. I imagine it’s quite boring since most interesting people have gotten banned at least once in their forum life so they are forever locked out of TL3.

The true value of TL3 is the ability to post pictures and make visual gags. It’s definitely not overrated.


Oh. I only have 31 days visited, 10k post viewed.

Banned or suspended? If you get a suspension, you can work your way back up. Getting banned is something else entirely.

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I just dont like you have to maintain it once you get it, I agree with others that once you have it unless you get moderated or do something to lose it, it should stay.

And forget switching to alts, im not regrinding it on all of them.


Dunno how long it’ll take you, but I think it took me roughly 3 months to be able to post pictures and links.

Good luck.

The most I see levels 3 post are lame gifs. It’s kinda ridiculous the hoops ya gotta jump through for that privilege.

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Clearly you haven’t seen much of me :sunglasses:

As one of the resident forum posters who often follows the “a picture is worth a thousand words” school of thought…


Yup. Find a mega thread and just keep scrolling. The high elf one is a good one to do that with.