Put something heavy on top of your mouse’s left button and just go afk for the day lol
I just gained level 3 myself not to long ago and reading through all the anti LFR threads helped me before I muted them. I know of at least two that are over 1k post.
I am on a phone can’t do that.
No you don’t need to do it in 4 days… The trust thing is ongoing, just so you’re aware it is something you have to maintain. If you leave for an extended period of time you’ll more than likely have to grind out the trust level again.
As for reading… Well the forums really can’t tell if you read something or not. Go into a mega thread that you really don’t care about and just scroll. That little blue dot next to posts disappears and (an assumption of mine) indicates when you’ve read a post. The reading part is one of the easier metrics to meet.
Let me rephrase, it’s overrated for people like me who have no desire to post GIF’s on the forums. Of course, I didn’t go out of my way to get TL3, I just got it from doing my usual stuff that I would’ve done regardless if Trust was a thing or not. lol.
Honestly, most times I see images and GIF’s linked, all I can think of is…
There though, I did a thing. Still overrated for me
There’s a lounge section for trust level 3?
Yes. we have our own clubhouse with a bar and a jukebox. It also has an inexhaustible supply of Trollbegone.
That was my first reaction as well. I did not know such a thing existed till I refreshed the main forums page and saw this new category available to me that said it is exclusive to trust lvl 3 Members.
Cool, how active is it and what’s posted in it
Read this topic as it has everything you need to know
Used to be TL3 until I lost it. The secret forum was pretty dead. Considering how hard it is to maintain TL3, I can’t imagine it’s anymore active than when I had it.
I have all this and still can’t post videos or pics
how can you check your progress?
You can’t afaik,
Perhaps, but it is “LFR IS KILLING WOW”, “CLASSIC IS KILLING RETAIL!”, “GIVE US (INSERT RACE, CLASS, SPEC HERE) NOW!!”, and assorted wannabe edgelord threads-free. So there’s that.
Not entirely sure this works at this point. Unless I got it wrong, the criteria is “reading 20,000 posts created in the last 100 days” … if you go to a megathread where the majority of the posts were created 5-6 months ago, all those posts won’t count.
They counted originally because it was the first 100 days of the forums existing at all. But now, going back and reading months-old threads full of equally old posts shouldn’t help reach the criteria – unless that’s since changed.