Trust Level 3 Requirements

My trust level 3 fell off over night—and I don’t see any account actions—so I assume didn’t meet the TL maintenance requirements over the last 100 days. I know I have seen posts/threads where the SFAs have told others where what they were missing with regards to meeting the TL3 requirements, and I was wondering if one might be kind enough to help me with that info to see where I’ve fell short.


It’s almost always that you have not read enough posts in the last 100 days.


If it is posts read, I should ask if hidden posts of ignored users—assuming you click to view said posts—count towards the rolling posts read requirement. I made the decision earlier to start to put folks on the ignore list instead of having zero on ignore. I’ve added around 200 posters to ignore since March/April. If anyone knows if those posts don’t count for the have read stat, I may need to remove some from ignored because there’s a series of a certain megathread that’s up to number 7 I believe that I have had muted for the last 2.5 parts of the thread(s)…except easily half or more of the posts in those will be hidden for me because of my ignore list.


I don’t have anyone on ignore, but I’m curious if similar to my post count having a minus effect after a thread gets 404 that it also reflects posts read time.

Some of these are hundreds of responses long.

So, I try to limit those threads. But it could happen days later after not following it.

:crab: :ocean: :crab: :ocean:


I don’t know for sure; but I would imagine that they do not count.

When you scroll through a thread, a reply doesn’t register as read unless you stay on it long enough for the blue dot next to the time posted to disappear.

Since ignored posts are hidden; I would assume they would never register as read either.

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I know that a TL2 or TL1 user—including yourself if you drop below TL3—looking at your summary page will only be shown the statistics that do not include anything posted/read/liked within the TL3 lounge. That might just be a user-facing thing…maybe not: I’m not sure if discourse counts those TL3-locked threads and posts towards those statistics either. :person_shrugging:

This is what I figure is the case, but I’m not sure. There would be an easy, probably 7-8k posts I could read if I remove the ignores and unmute the thread, but I’m not sure whether I want to do that or not even just to pad post-views.


I’ve lost it twice the least they could do is tell you why. Or better yet something posted that has all the rules how to keep and on and on.


Just to ask: Are you looking at old posts/threads? Like, more then 90 days old posts/threads? If so, that’d proably be why as there is an age cap on that kind of thing.


Honestly you shouldn’t have to no life the forums to post links or pictures. Its kind of a dated way of thinking. Especially with how prevalent discord is.

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The default requirements for trust levels (ignore TL0 and TL4) with discourse are here (but not 100% sure if Blizzard’s forums every default setting for these, but most talk about requirements here seem to agree):

I only usually look at the top couple of pages of topics listed on GD as well as CS and the TL3 Lounge. So, I generally only look at fresher topics. I may not be reading nearly as many posts since muting some.

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Honestly, I’m quite glad it works the way it does. I can’t even begin to imagine the horrible pictures or links that would get posted on here by a disgruntled/angry/immature user.

There are ways to post links at least that make it easy to copy and paste.


Very odd way to put it. But the reason why these requirements exist, is so people can’t just spam everything. I think one of those reasons was malicious files could be a major problem if everyone could link anything up.

How ever, there is some safe sites outside of Blizzard own sites where don’t need Trust Level 3 to link, within exception that the links are align with the Forum Code of Conduct.

I think someone mentioned, I might have Vrak or Orlyia who ever knows correct me on this, that we can suggest safe sites in the Website Bug Report forums… I think, I could be wrong, but it would be up to who ever to decide whether it would be or wouldn’t be ideal.


Its not an odd way to put it when thats exactly what you have to do. Essentially treat it like ranking up in game.

except thats what the report button is for? a trust level doesnt serve much purpose imo if only just over a couple dozen people have it. it also doesnt help the forums. just makes it more boring.

so i just tested it…and this is incorrect. just looked at a thread from 2018 that hadnt been bumped. unread posts still showed up as blue circles meaning they count towards the posts for 20k. so they must have changed it at some point.

Weve been told only posts that arent older then 100 days count.

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“Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)”

That is the official Discourse rules and what Blizzard goes off of. The older posts would likely still have the blue dot, but that blue dot doesn’t mean a post counts towards trust levels just that it was read. You have no way as a user to see if those posts actually counted for you or not.

We can agree to disagree on the rest.

Though this topic is turning more into a feedback topic, sorry OP who just wanted to see what they were missing.

Edit: sorry for the double and wrong pings. Not sure what happened!

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and isnt that documentation from the 2018 build? its been several builds since then. the blue dots indicate the posts count yes? if so then they must have removed the time cap. maybe they only count towards post read and not the tl3 count. but i do know the blue dots are still showing for me for unread posts from threads as old as sept 2018.

The criteria have remained.

A blue dot just means a post was unread, and when it’s gone you have read the post. That is all.

If the post was in the last 100 days then you have it count towards the read posts. If it’s an older post it doesn’t.


I thought the blue dot meant unread post?

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Sorry for the confusion. Yes the post was unread and is now read when it goes away. I’ll see if I can’t update my post for better clarity.