Trust level 3.5

Today I, among a few other forum users, have reached the legendary trust level 3.5 after accomplishing 100 days visited and over 40k posts read.

Loh and be’hold, my power to (mentally) ignore most users I don’t like.

Be impressed by my capacity to give away an infinite amount likes :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

Gaze in awe at my overused gifs and memes.

Once we reach trust level 4 blizzard will finally give us access to their installations, where will be able to use their secret re-creative area where they are hiding the ducks they have not implemented in game, yet.

TLDR: Today I noticed I have 100 days visited, neat.


pets, gives cookie

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What’s the WPM for that cat?


Love how they tried this little trust level thoughtcontrol censorship bull right after the game was going under, and in spite of their little social credit system, people still are vocal about how horrible their game is.


They had been working on this forum module since Legion, and the trust level stuff is part of it, so not much else to be theorizing on.

You are still free to discuss the game in whatever manner you like, as you can clearly see here daily! You aren’t penalized unless you break actual rules, and there are no rules about “thoughtcontrol censorship.”


Can’t have a free society without the people that hate you as well :wink:


You realize that you can post negative things about the game without affecting trust level in the slightest so long as you stay within forum rules, right?

The two things aren’t really connected.


I’m part of the 100 day club too. Woop woop!


About 3 WPM, nobody wants to hire him.

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That gif feels more like “animal abuse” than “cute”.


It’s almost like Trust Level isn’t ‘thought control’ and thus isn’t connected to one’s satisfaction with the game or the company and is only connected to one’s ability to follow the rules.



In theory you’re right. But the rules aren’t enforced evenly. What you may get in trouble for one day might get a free pass the next. Two people can say pretty much the exact same thing but one person may get in trouble for it while the other doesn’t. The way the rules are applied and upheld are a total joke.


That’s because the community sets the standards.

Edit: I should have said, “and the standards shift from day to day”.

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I mean, that’s what the appeal system is for. Since the new forums went live, I’ve been hit twice, and both of them were overturned when I appealed, so here I am with Trust Level 3.

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Have you guys ever seen a player say “Blizzard deleted my thread”? I don’t know if it’s true or not but if Blizzard is removing opinions then they are controlling what you see and thus your thoughts.



What I hate is how you can’t see what level you are or the requirements for next.

Oh well I’m content with level 0 or whatever I am. I can post. It’s like having a car just needs to get you from a to b.

They deleted my thread once where we were all talking about our favorite fast food.

slaps post
This baby can hold so much apathy in it

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