Trust Level 3... 20k Posts is Way Too Much

Posting in General Discussion because honestly, I’m not even sure what forum this would belong in, there is no General Website Forum, and Customer Support is for in-game problems. So General Discussion seems like the best fit.

Can we just talk about that?

Here are my stats for the forums.

I have over 24 hours of forum viewing time (after 24 hours, it only shows days, so it’s anywhere from 24-47 hours).

61 days on the forums out of 62 possible, (I missed 1 day as I got a new puppy and was busy getting her used to the house), viewed 726 topics, 14.6k posts (about 5-6k is just me scrolling through the topic without looking to try to reach 20k), 48 Likes Given (I only like posts I REALLY agree with), 70 Topics Made, 649 Posts, and 920 Likes Received.

So I am a very invested person in this forum. However, I don’t see how any person can legitimately reach 20,000 posts read in the period of time they expect us to without seriously cheesing the posts read by mindlessly scrolling or by spending an unhealthy amount of time on these forums. Taking out the posts I cheesed, I wouldn’t have even broken 10k posts read yet, and I browse these forums way more than any healthy amount of time someone should.

Blizzard, please re-consider the 20,000 posts read requirement on Trust Level 3.

I don’t even know if I’m eligible for Trust Level 3, as although I’ve never been actioned on the forums, I can’t remember if I’ve ever been actioned in-game, as I’ve had an account for 14 years, and I genuinely can’t remember that far back, and I was a… rambunctious teenager. I know I was silenced recently, but it got overturned.

However, this isn’t about me. This is about the fact the 20,000 posts read requirement is encouraging unhealthy behavior. The other requirements are all easily obtainable without sitting at your computer for unhealthy amounts of time, but 20,000 posts is not.

Please think about this. I understand making the ability to post images more accessible is dangerous, but it’s already locked behind having no account actions, so I would assume that should be enough, no?


I got L3 (not sure when) from my usual forum activity. The only thing I did early on was spend all the likes I had a couple times, but after hitting L2, I pretty much stopped that, and resumed normal reading and posting.


The whole system is rediculous. Absolutely rediculous.


I have a hard time imagining reaching level 3 and how much effort one must put in to get there, so I don’t bother. I don’t see my likes / view rating as an accomplishment at all so that makes it easier. And to be honest, Blizzard would probably never give me level 3 anyways for what is in my posts.

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Did you really think in the game was the only ways to waste time on grinding things? Blizzard don’t think so!


Alrighty, right when you start whining about various forum garbage is when you might want to reevaluate your life. Who cares? You’ll get it when you get it and if not, zippy doodaa do something else.


I have no idea how I did it. Being really bored at work probably helped me reach lv 3.



It’s really not much effort at all. Scroll through the posts. You don’t have to sit there and read each individual one. Simply skim and scroll to the bottom. :+1:

There’s nothing to think about, though. It’s not actually that difficult to do. As I said, just skim over some of the long threads and get to the bottom. The system doesn’t register posts read by how much time you spend staring at them. It’s you scrolling through them that it registers. :slightly_smiling_face:


Is it though? I’ve been on the forums since day one of the new stuff (ok casually, not like hard core) and im at 18k. I’m like a week away from posting gifs…you know…if I did that…


Apparently I’ve only read for like 51 days and have over 20,000 posts read and trust level 3.

Idk what to tell you


just curious, but why does it matter?

people seem to care an awful lot about something which is completely inconsequential.


possibly purplediculous?


“Read” the GD Lounge topic. Just set your mouse to automatically scroll down really slow while you do something else.


The plethora of level 3 people we have already seen spring up say otherwise.

Minimum 50 day out of last 100 is the actual biggest hurdle to get over, since there is nothing you can do but wait. That is, if you don’t count staying under the radar enough for trolls not to abuse the report flag on your posts. Which is arguably harder…


I believe in all of you.You got this.Trust Level 3 is yours for the taking.



How to get trust level 3 101 or how I got it

Litterally spend 10 mins scrolling through threads with 100+ comments.

I did the high elf thread with 4.5k comments at the same time

And the anti high elf thread that had 4.2k posts

Just do infinite scrolling don’t even have to read it. That’s how I did it :ok_hand:t2::ok_hand:t2:


If I wasn’t artificially boosted in, I’d be more concerned about likes given.

I’ve given 2.


I havent even made 1000 posts.


Bingo, you figured it out :wink:

Look at thread.

Pull thing all the way down, or mouse all the way down.

You are a fast reader!


i had posted a thread on about how to get 20k read posts with actually reading (hack!) and it got removed cos it was considered spam

thats the new forums for ya

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