Trust 3 today! WOOT!

Says 50 days now, but still not 3.

Other criteria match too, as far as I can tell =/

hmmmm, yeah was 50 last night after 1 AM and still 50 now (but that would be the same “Day”, of course.)

No, I’ve been very good and careful since the new forums. I kind of figured out what is most likely to trigger suspensions (basically any “real life” talk about issues, politics, heated stuff, etc.)

There’s an unseen timer that’s to the exact time which should finish during the 50th day. So you should be good between now and day 51.

That’s assuming you haven’t been flagged too many times and/or were not suspended from the forums when the new ones went live.

Grats everyone who reached trust level three! I’m still trust level one.

I am not so sure. Without getting into my history to much i’ve played return from a different dimension the trap card more times then it is allowed in a standard 3 card limit deck.

At some point you lose it.

never ceases to amaze me what people care about

How long has Overwatch been using this back end? That might be the issue. If they haven’t used it more than a year than probably no one really has had a chance to test it.

Thanks again for continuing to look into it. The effort is genuinely appreciated.

True, but if you keep getting suspended, which get longer each time, eventually they’ll just ban you permanently.

I seriously can’t imagine you getting in trouble on the forums…


Mostly back on our old Burning Blade forum. Had some great fun times there. I was good but someone made me make a thread calling everyone “a word”…thought the forum filter covering it made it okay. I was young and innocent and very wrong >_<.

I’ve been good…mostly. Sometimes people just can’t take a scolding very well.

I don’t even know how to check my trust level

Easiest way is to see if you have TL3 is to try and post a gif from like giphy or check for the Lounge.

The other way is to go to your forum activity page
Remove anything in the link after your server name
Add .json to the link and hit enter
Weird looking page full of text pops up which you use Ctrl + F and search “trust” check the last trust entry and which number it has (1, 2, or 3).

I must have gotten dinged for something. Oh well, I’ll take my penalty time.


you still need to read 5k more posts

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How can you see that? Just curious.

Profile - Summary shows most stats

When you select a name on here, it gives you one or two choices depending if the person has hidden their armoury. You can either see their forum activity summary or their armoury depending on what you choose. As we know the criteria for trust level 3, which one of them is 20k posts read… I can see they have just over 15k posts read… but have reached the rest of the visible criteria (we can’t obviously tell if they’ve been suspended or had flags upheld though… that is something individuals should know)

If you go to your Profile and click Summary you can see your read count. If you hover over the read number it should show you the exact value. As of posting this you have 45,928 posts read.

Thanks all. Doesn’t feel like I’ve read 46k posts :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You let the thread load then hit End, didn’t you? No, that’s not what I did. Nope.
I’ve read every single word…I just don’t remember what I read. Yeah, that’s my excuse: pseudo-alzheimer.


Some people have been banned ‘permanently’ from this forum numerous times already.