I don’t like the old trees because sometimes you picked the boring stat increases over abilities. And this is just going to bring that back sadly.
Whether you have 2 items in the talent tree or 100, there will ALWAYS be cookie cutter specs. Always have always will. I for one am excited cause I never followed cookie cutter. I always picked what I liked and forget everyone else. I love the diversity you can achieve with so many choices.
I don’t like the current system because of the 3 choices in a row, one may be the default choice, one is situationally useful, and one can even be worse than no talent at all, yet they all have tooltips making them sound equally useful. Without looking up online a low information player can easily choose badly. I don’t think there should be noob traps like that, especially given how the default advice given to confused players seems to be “if you don’t know which is best, you should never look up a guide online”.
Oh yay so I now get to click more buttons to run with whatever the cookie cutter talents are…
There’s going to be cookie-cutter everything so long as there’s a competitive element in the game. Even when the game was at its simplest back in WoD (post MoP talent trees with WoD pruning) you still got growled at for not being one with the hivemind with your character build. It’s not really a reason to not do anything.
I’m legitimately surprised they’re bringing back talent trees. I like it.
So looking at the image…
It looks like your still going to have to pick your spec (tab at bottom and resto defined tree on right) - so not sure how cross-spec they will be, as this doesn’t look like it will open all that much up.
But will be fun to play around with if the community isn’t too insane about “you have the wrong talents”.
They balance classes without talents though, and the talents mostly are for certain playstyles. It’s worth with those trees if there isn’t any borrowed power to not carry power away from you. All your power and scaling will be from talents alone making them the only noob traps.
And idk, I just think of having to weigh stats with abilities is weird with the old trees. You are saying some spells aren’t worth having and its better to have this stat increase…
Vs just choosing which aoe talent you want.
You can save builds, I like that.
Make an aoe build or a single target build or an adventure build.
Did I hear that right?
Yep, that’s one of the cornerstone features. Switch out builds on the fly as needed. Sounds nice.
Haven’t got it yet so I will reserve my hype but it does remind me of Everquest’s AA system and its something I’ve wanted in wow since it launched.
Still though I’m going to hold my praise until I get to see the final iteration.
The part I find most amusing is that everyone who claims this is a step backwards completely ignores the way “talents” work now.
There are literally full lines of talents that are either not competitive with each other, or blatantly useless. The talents that are good, are normally so good you can’t pass them up. The last thing about the new talent system is the fact that is clearly obvious when talents are symbiotic, and you will only take X talent with Y talent, or you will choose a different one.
The system we have now is kind of stupid proof. The only reason you could want to continue the system as it is now would be because either you think the community is too stupid to use an actual talent tree, or you are.
I decided to look closer, I only counted the ones with a number associated and it’s 61 points. Which makes sense starting from 10 like normal.
Also I noticed there are square, circle, octagon, and diamond shaped talents. Diamond on the sides probably has a special meaning to them, one that’s obtained outside of leveling I’m guessing. Square is active talents and circle are passive. Octagon is probably something custom talents similar to the current conduit system. I notice it had little arrows to the side that you can probably switch on the fly. Under druid specific there are 2 talents that start you off with no points associated and that makes sense from what was said in the videos.
Just my thoughts on it.
I counted those, hence my 67. Either way it’s not 70. 60 would make more sense though. Originally you didn’t get points for your 1st ten levels.
I used to be an optimist. Truly. I swear I was excited for Cata and WoD. One can only take so many disappointments.
If Blizzard does this right, the talent system well be the better part of this expansion
i like how people act like they arent just going to pick the most optimized talents for their spec like always
Yeah looks like maybe 61 points, however I’m wondering why at the bottom it says number of druid and restoration points. Are they together or separate? Is this character max level? It maybe setup this way to trick any speculation.
I’m pretty excited to get away from this type of talent tree. I never liked it at all.
I like the idea and have asked for it for years ~ glad it is making a return, I think the way they thought up of it works.