True Talent Trees are Back in 10.0!

Unlock by grinding and be permitted to spend gold to buy a talent.

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Tired of the boring garbage ones we have meow. Lol


The best thing they could do with this is add extra passive nodes to let us get/convert secondary stats. Something like the reforge system in cata, not saying this was a good system but I loved the idea of having a little bit of flexibity.

So cookie cuter builds and elitist saying “You can’t join our group you haven’t selected the right talents/spells for your class”…

Don’t forget to buy a token to sell for gold so you can get raiding and or arena currency to make it go quicker so you can stay ahead of the curve.

The fact that they purposefully omitted exactly how you will gain the points should be a red flag. Same old blizzard.

Hmm well I counted the points and it looks something like 70 points spent? Maybe 1 per actual level?

This could get me interested to level a new character and I’m not an alt guy at all.

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Good concept, need more details TBH.

lol I think the reason they didn’t straight up word for word say what you want them to say is because it’s pretty obvious how a talent system has and always has worked. I can’t wait for you to be happy when you find out that is the reality :smile:

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I’m so happy talent trees are returning.


In vanilla, talents/spells were unlocked by level, and you had to spend large enough amounts of gold to buy each spell that you had to grind gold. People without enough gold went without buying spells or bought gold when they reached max level and really needed them. Saying “You get starter ones for free” suggests that later ones will not be free.

You are reading into it what you want to hear. We will have to unlock them by grinding and then pay gold or some other currency to activate them.

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That would be blizzard 10 years ago. The last 3 expansions have a some sort of AP grind. Why would they stop now? What makes you think they’ll stop now?

I can’t wait for your jaw to drop when you realize you’ll have to grind to get all your points. Then do it again on your alts. They know what they’re doing, and it isn’t for our benefit.

Ehh not really a fan of that, just means more cookie-cutter builds and more clicking. And now I have to wonder if some math passive stat boost is better then a cool ability.

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“You are reading into it what you ant to hear.”

You took the words right out of my mouth :wink:

I didn’t like the old talent trees.
I will just have to wait to see how these end up working. I usually learn to live with stuff or find out I like things more than I anticipated. So…here’s hoping.

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That already exists with the current talent set up though?

67? I counted 67. Maybe more. Those side talents may have 8 points total. Inconclusive at best.

I’d be okay with cookie cutter builds if there turned to be lots of useful ones with meaningful differences.

So many times in the past, vaguely worded announcements are met with cries of “They listened! They’re doing what we are asking for!” But in the end, the people who read these statements and only take them at face value and parse out what is said and what is unsaid (“free” does actually mean later ones will not be free, but will require currency/rep/grinding) than reading into them what you want, turn out to be the ones that have predicted correctly what will happen.

“An early starter set will be free” means “the rest will not”, no matter how hard you work to try to convince people to resub now before they realize the truth.

This was by far the most exciting thing in the reveal to me.

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only now it’ll be micrometa’d.