True Talent Trees are Back in 10.0!

I yelled too!

And I have been horribly negative and cynical about the future of the game since Shadowlands launched.


Don’t care for it tbh, ill only play it if the class is good

For sure! Just like how it is now, but no where near as dumbed down and boring! We will at least now be able to have fun options outside of whatever “the build” is! :smiley:

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The transcript is up. At no point do they mention anything about how you gain points. None. Nada. Zip. Anyone who said that you gain them simply by leveling made that up.

"Another UI intensive project we’ve been working on is an update to the Talent system. We wanted to look at it once more and find ways to provide players with more choice in shaping their character’s abilities. Currently, as you level up, you receive new spells and skills, but that progression and ordering is entirely predetermined. So, we started looking at creating a system that would provide players with a wider set of options.

One of these ideas that we returned to was that of trees. In this case, it’s actually two trees. One tree focuses on class utility while the other focuses on specialization and the expression of your role whether that’s doing damage, tanking, or healing. We want choosing your specialization to be important and want to make sure that when you choose it, it affects the tree in some way.

When you look at the new tree, you’ll notice the class side will have some abilities filled out for free to get you started off in the spec you’ve chosen, but then you’ll have your first point to spend in the class tree which could be something related to that spec or it could be something from elsewhere in the class.

We wanted to make sure that the new system allows players to take combinations of spells and abilities that may not have been possible in the game before. This opportunity also allowed us to inject more art and fantasy into the actual Talent UI itself."

EXTREMELY excited for this.

I always was talking about how nice the old tress felt so its a dream we are getting them back. With even more customization at that.


only classic andys can think that this is a good thing… not looking forward to the incoming mess or the meta that says you gotta spec like THIS or you’re out.

gonna say it ahead of time, guess i’m out. F the meta!

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Soooo then don’t be a meta-head?

I love theorycrafting and I’m extremely off-meta myself. You get new meta from off-meta, way to many people forget that.


We all are! :heart_eyes:


I see that convoke and hope to the gods that they keep Divine Toll…

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I like it. The current selecting between 3 abilities feels very boring.
I hope there are a variety of different builds for different activities.


Yeah it will happen, but there is something to be said about letting players tinker with the talents like we used to. When we used to get an expansion we would get new spells, more levels, more talents new tier gear, new dungeons… all of it. A lot of that has been stripped down, and I’m really hoping Blizzard has learned a lesson here, that a good amount of smaller options can be just as valuable as several big options with talents.


I’m not against having a talent tree system brought back. It still probably offers the ability to pick between major abilities that we have now on top of utilizing passive talents, utilization talents, just gives a little more depth to the entire process.

Instead of focusing around a new expansion systems, they’ll be focusing on more permanent talents, abilities, passives and what not. Borrowed power can work if done properly, but focusing on entire talent systems instead of a borrowed power system is very nice to hear.

I won’t complain or commend too much until I see how it plays out, feels. I am intrigued by it and am not spelling doom and gloom. I don’t mind changes. I also hate new borrowed powers and systems, it’ll be refreshing to see more focus on talents and abilities that will be used after Dragonflight.

I’m optimistic.

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Using “free” in this context definitely suggests a currency will be involved.

Brother. You are trying waaaayy to hard to be upset about something that isn’t a thing. Tbh if these points aren’t gained from leveling (which clearly they are), and they are some kind of grind, so what? If you’re upset about grinding in a game, I don’t think the MMO genre is for you unfortunately :\

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Ohnoes, people will do what they already do and copy whats on Icy veins, oh sweet dear god the horror


No, there will always be cookie cutter builds even if there’s 1% difference one will still be “better”.

I want to have this talent system to play how I want

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I think it’s meant to guide people in the right direction - my hope is it isn’t forced though


That’s how every freemium game and crack dealers work.

Show me where in the transcript I just posted of the video you’re referencing where it says that. It says NOTHING about talent points being tied into leveling. Nothing.

The talent tree is the new AP grind disguised as something you want. I can’t remember an AP grind I enjoyed? Do you?

Not sure how to feel about it, need to see it in action.

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Definitely a lot better talent tree than Vanilla/BC by miles. Also not as intimidating as Rift’s is/was. Looking forward to playing with it as from the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like it will have to be a cookie cutter like Vanilla/BC had to be.

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