I’m pumped for whatever addon I’ll get to manage it
True talent trees will never exist again. Blizz can’t balance well enough for more than 1 legitimate option to ever exist. You’re dreaming if you think otherwise.
Does Icy-Veins have a talent tree guide yet?? I don’t want to pick the wrong things.
I hope the new talent trees will be an improvement. I like that they separated utility and spec into two trees. The UI revamp is a good thing too. Having to use less addons is always better. They didn’t reveal any borrowed power systems so that’s a plus.
Ok but This be bit overwhelming Can there be thing help auto fill it or lest give you help or guide let you find right talent for you pick like what if I pick talent that wrong or dose not suit me I worry that I may waste a point.
At no point was that phrase used. The quote was you will gain point as you level up. Ambiguous at best.
I’m pumped too but it looks like they just removed abilities and added them as talent which is kind of lame. Call me what you want but I want the +15% parry chance talents etc not to have to talent into rejuvenation as a Druid… lol
Glad to see it’s coming back
There’s a button “reset talents” and you can save load outs
Eww. They are keeping PvP Talents.
Would have been nice if they just added them to the classes so I don’t have another group of buttons to sort.
Yeah cause talents aren’t cookie cutter right now either /s
Can’t wait for these talent trees. Going to feel so good to put a point into a talent and watch the amazing 1% increase in numbers instead changing your abilities in interesting ways. Because nothing is more fun than that.
I’m actually pretty hype about this. Classes have been stale for a long time, this should shake them up.
Literally sold on 10.0 just for this
Seems like a generic “class” tree and a tree specific to your spec.
So does this mean theorycraftiing can be a thing again?
That good I still feel sor every time I have to swap out back in day The guy keep asking for more money as I just try to fill it out When I Switch form DPS to tank Just hope The make it simple for how you say to me “Layman” Just want to tank and Don’t want to hybird and focus on Deep pouring and Just be in full spet then some Crazy hybird spec nutter want to be.
Far less so than these will be. Cookie cutter builds in the current system are the result of bad balancing of individual talents, and could be easily fixed by better balancing those individual talents. The new system will amplify this problem by 1000x and complicate balancing by tying the balance of any individual talent to that of every other talent in its path.
Cookie cutter builds will still happen