Kinda? They’re selling talent trees as a key feature. Wait til peeps log in, get their free 5 points to start… then realize that to fully flesh out their tree it’ll take 4 months of a timegated grind.
It will not be pretty.
Kinda? They’re selling talent trees as a key feature. Wait til peeps log in, get their free 5 points to start… then realize that to fully flesh out their tree it’ll take 4 months of a timegated grind.
It will not be pretty.
Nothing is more exciting than getting 1% extra damage to my elemental attacks…
This is going to go down the Vanilla path of “Lulz you’re a Shaman, you have to be resto” noise again…
Seems like an effort to get back Classic players.
Talent trees really don’t belong in WoW anymore. Even League condensed their talent trees down big time. Sophisticated trees are just not good for competitive gameplay. And wow is a competitive game at it’s core.
They literally said they want it to feel meaningful where you level up and get a new talent point for either an ability or upgrade.
Stop inventing things to be angry about
It is… However you with those giant shades and pigtails are more adorable
I’m not inventing a 4 month AP grind to fill up a talent tree. It’s a fact. It won’t go over will with anyone except the fanboy faithful.
They took a level based tree and are about to monetize it so people will buy more tokens to do the activates that will fill it quicker.
I’ve invented nothing. Not my fault you can’t see their big picture.
They explicitly said how it was going to work, you are just acting like a fool.
It’s not a fact. Where did you hear it? You are just theorycrafting.
I am SOOOOO excited about this!
Wait. Just wait.
I don’t understand the hype around that, people are following the meta, there is no such thing as build diversity when people’s main goal is parsing as high as possible.
It has to be an improvement over what we have now a days
They already said points will come from leveling like they use to back in the days of talent trees “for the most part”. Ion said he wants to stay away from “Borrowed power” due to player outcry about it. Did you not watch the stream?
I think I’m confused about what you’re saying here? Talent points come with level, just like it used to be. The “grind” is leveling, which, most people will already be leveled
He didnt watch the stream where they said that. He was “Theorycrafting”
They already did that. They nerfed spells into a ‘Rank 1’ so that when the actually useful version of the spell was given to you at a much higher level than previously they could call it progression while leveling. I was especially impressed with spells that got pushed way back for no reason and then arrived at level 47 as ‘rank 2’, as though there had been a rank 1.
Some of it made so little sense that it seemed it had been created by a randomizing template.
Beware of saying “it couldn’t be worse”. Because it always could.
So we have to pay more gold than we have and will have to delay buying talents like in the old days unless we grind enough gold - which probably will be impossible given how little gold levelers earn now - or buy tokens?
It’s literally The One Thing I’m pumped about.
Everything else… meeehhhh
I see you didnt watch either. No. They are working on a “loadout” system kind of. So you can swap builds on the fly. Its an entire UI Revamp
Watch the stream. Its on MMO Champ
This is the primary thing I wanted out of a new xpack. Pretty happy about it.
yeah itll be really cool to go to icy veins and pick the top performing talents
All they said was “as you level up”. Level up what? They never said level 70 gets you 70 points. It’s all conjecture. They need an AP grind, this is going to be it.
That talent tree example towards the end had way more than 70 talents chosen.