True Multiboxing Alie and well, blizz doesnt care

Same people who are true multiboxing with software (not just putting accounts on /follow like some players do) are still playing today. Blizz do you guys even investigate reports on players anymore or is it true that everything is 100% automated. I know many many people have reported said boxer since their sick of him 1 shotting everyone during world pvp events like the hellfire nodes quest. A quick 1 minute by a real live GM watching someone would confirm he’s playing against ToS and using multi broadcasting either through software or hardware. It’s obvious when every cast on 5 toons is at the same exact time… that’s not just a guy using /follow on more than one account.

Edit: thanks for the tip @Aurumai I will give battle net tickets a try and let you know if anything comes of it.

But what if it turns out to be someone with 4 arms?

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