Oh it’s this stuff
If there is the whole “let people die to harvest organs” they’d just do it anyway, signing the paper yes or no wouldn’t do nothing to stop them
Not sure where this conspiracy theory came from
Oh it’s this stuff
If there is the whole “let people die to harvest organs” they’d just do it anyway, signing the paper yes or no wouldn’t do nothing to stop them
Not sure where this conspiracy theory came from
There is above zero evidence that this does happen anyway. At least sporadically.
Who says they don’t? It makes sense in my mind. If I was in charge of a hospital, and trying to squeeze profit, some people would be deemed untreatable, especially if they had no insurance. That’s just reality.
I think your free will may expire at the same time you do…
Alright, why would agreeing to be an organ donor matter at all then?
They’ll just make sure you die and harvest it, so trying to make a stance saying “I don’t agree to them doing this” is nothing but a performance act in your own idea
I’m okay with that. Like I said, I don’t care once I’m gone.
No insurance. Life threatening wounds. Low income. Organ donor. You do the math.
That ignored my question at all
Answer it, why would agreeing or disagreeing to it matter in the slightest if they’re just gunna decide you’re not worth it and sell your organs on the black market?
You could have no insurance and say no, how do you stop or?
Pure performance on your part
I never said they would just harvest my organs, and that’s why I explicitly state my reason for not being an organ donor. I refuse to take that chance.
How are you going to stop them?
The entire process would be illegal, or it doesn’t matter if you agree to it or not since they’re selling them on the black market
So yea, good talk
If I’m dead it doesn’t matter. I want a chance to live. I love how people get so worked up when you explain why you’re not an organ donor lol
Can you not read what I’m saying?
You keep answering stuff I’m not asking
You said they’ll just let you die to harvest your organs and sell them (which is illegal)
So why would they care if you agreed to it or not since their part is illegal, you could say no to organ donor and they can just let you die and harvest you anyway
Hence why I’m calling your idea nothing but performance cuz nothing you do matters in your own scenario
And I’ll add, businesses partake in illegal activities all the time for profit.
Exactly. Quoting this to prove my point.
Got it, you either aren’t reading what I’m saying or are unable to understand it
Have fun telling everyone about your performance then idk
Why are you so angry that I’m not an organ donor? You can to choose to be one. My choice has no effect on you.
Also, I did answer your question. I believe my odds of being treated for a life threatening wound ect are increased when I’m not an organ donor. You’re just being daft.
Already explained how it’s irrelevant if you choose to be one or not in your own scenario
Do what you want since it’s pointless in your own mind
Thank you. I will
Life is an organic simulation that your consciousness purposely plugged into to learn some crap. Problem is we’ve got some souls on earth who understand this and don’t want you to ever wake up. Because if you do… man I just got a shiver to not complete this sentence as intended. Gonna close up shop now. This isn’t the place to mouth off my crazy ideas.
very carefully and with much precision