True hunger comes from within

I’m giving them my piano instead.


New pickup line just dropped: “nice organs”.


Back in the day, that would have swept me off my feet.

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I’m not as smooth as N’zoth but I try.

his pickup line of “I claim this flesh” is perfection.

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The numbers between 1 and 2 are infinite. So when you have a bad day just remeber you traveled an infinite distance to potty.


Time is made up of seconds, so at any one second you are where your meant to be, not behind or ahead. So how do we actually move?

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sometimes i can eat a lot, sometimes i’m full after 2 bites.

life is hard.

Speaking of another question! How did they keep track of their children’s’ actual ages? Bouncing around time as they did, did they just manually mark days on a calendar and when the tally hit 365 they were a year older?

If that were the case, they would just do it anyway. Would anyone really notice if their dead grandmother’s kidneys were missing?

This is a weird thread

Didn’t bother to read.

Well that’s kind of my point. They can have my organs, but I don’t care to give them willingly… so I won’t be subscribing to the whole organ donor thing.

You plan on having a mummification ritual done to you or something?

I plan on living my best life.

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I coughed today and when I spit it was kind of stringy and thick. Am I dying?

I just decided not to be an organ donor out of spite. Do better.

If they want my organs I’m happy to sell the ones I don’t need right now. Money up front though.

If I’m dying in the ER and there’s no chance of saving me, please harvest my organs.

If my wounds are treatable, even though I don’t have insurance, please treat me instead of letting me die to harvest my organs.

That’s kind of where I stand.

Are your wounds treatable for a profit or would they be treatable at a loss?

Either way I don’t really care. Don’t harvest my organs unless my wife or child is dying. The rest of you can kick rocks.

Hospitals are a business unfortunately. You know the answer.

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Yes the “non-profit” organizations are typically the exact opposite of that. Across the board.