True hunger comes from within

There is no life, no death, only energy and how it transforms

There is only Zuul!

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I think you missed the point. If you’re assuming the medical profession is so dishonest they would let organ donors die to take their organs, they would also let non-donors die and take those as well, and none would be the wiser.

I’m giving up the ghost until I find the sense of urgency that I’ve been craving most.

No, I understand that. And I’m saying I believe if you’re an organ donor with no insurance and low income your getting axed before anyone else.

How tf did Bruce Wayne get into Gotham in Dark Knight Rises?!

For the love of God, someone tell me!

if ur low income and have no health insurance ur not getting “axed” before everyone else because ur an organ donor. ur getting “axed” before everyone else literally because health care is so outrageously expensive in the US. without my insurance the meds I need are HUNDREDS of dollars.

…what? Like what food?

Maybe partake in some nutritiously dense food - like Lembas bread.

I think you’re sadistic to say that it’s commonplace for doctors to murder people to take their organs, but you do you.

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Bananas? coconuts? chickpeas? lentils?

Oh well then violence

Call me what you will. I’m entitled to my own opinion.

I’d just have to accept my fate then, because insurance is hundreds of dollars a month.

they want you to take that option when you go from payer to user…

You can tune a piano, but you can’t tune a fish.

I don’t know what you mean by that.

When you pay into your health insurance, they need you alive and paying.

when you begin consuming insurance more than what you contribute, you are a burden to the system so they want you to croak.

It’s not opinion, it’s fantasy.

That’s what you want to believe.

How are you going to tell me it’s not an opinion :joy: wow players are wild. Delusional, even.

self burn. those are rare.