Troll's have fur?

Twice. This 2011 thread has been necroed twice.

The signs of the Apocalypse are appearing! The end is nigh!
I wonder if these people post on different characters after seven years...
11/14/2018 11:43 PMPosted by Ximothy
Twice. This 2011 thread has been necroed twice.

The signs of the Apocalypse are appearing! The end is nigh!

What were you doing in 2011? I was a junior in high school

It doesn’t look like it, but they are said to.

Not sure if you are joking.
But this have not been up for debate for years now.
Night Elves did in fact evolved from dark trolls after exposure to the Well of Eternity.

Of course, blizzard’s attempt at redirecting accusations of always retconning their lore after releasing the Warcraft Chronicles, basically retconned the Warcraft Chronicles by saying that they were written from the perspective of the titans - basically giving it an “unrelieable source” kind of thing.

Speculation is further added, now that we know that Elune is related to the Winter Queen, a creation of the first ones. And myth has it, probably from Cenarius himself, that Elune got bonked by the stag-stud Malorn, and out popped little Cenarius who looks suspiciously a lot like a Night Elf… atleast the upper half of him.

Blizz just making weird open ended lore for no reason, is what I am saying.

That post was made 12 years ago. :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder if this is the oldest surviving thread on the forums as a whole, since it was one of the few that dodged purging into the forum software introduced for BFA.


Holy crap, I did notice that something was up with the avatars… completely forgot to look at the years.

Happens to me quite often… why do people keep necroing these old threads?! I am not wise enough to look at years!

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vanilla wow has 14 slot bag made out of troll skin

I love that every few years, we must talk troll fur.


The model doesn’t seem to really show it, what with the detail you can see on the faces – warts, wrinkles, but maybe it’s very fine. My pitbull mutt’s furry, but very defined down to veins being visible.

Short of a story where someone pets a troll, this may remain a mystery. I like the idea and I may have referenced it in my MyRP back in Wrath for my second favorite troll, but I’m not married to the idea. Zandalari obviously are not fuzzy, so it could be a fun distinction.

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We need Darkspear/Zandalari beards and Worgen tails.


I for one need pictures of spiderman.

And for all these ancient posts to be removed so that I do not keep making the mistake of replying in them when someone necros them.


The oldest thread on the sf must be preserved.


WoW This is very old thread from years ago.

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fur the horde


I have argued majestic beards are the real Alliance aesthetic, but trolls deserve good beards.

This has nothing to do with most of my Horde dudes being Darkspear. My motives are purely alturistic.

Besides, Vol’jin was described as having a beard so Player Troll deserves the option.

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Sand Trolls have Brown Skin so that’s what a Troll looks like without Fur.

Jungle Trolls, Dark Trolls and Frost Trolls all have Fur.

Forest Trolls have Moss.

Night Elves being descended from Dark Trolls thus have Fur.

High Elves don’t have Fur due to whatever caused them to evolve into High Elves.

Doness, why did you necro a thread that has been necroed over the years? Also why were you looking for this?

Must be why High Elves have less hair on themselves due to stages of evolving to the Arcane plus the Sun too.

still waiting for this

I know the Story Forums is the place where threads go to die but can we keep them dead please.

This is not a necromancy school.