Troll's have fur?

source (pre-update):

"The forest trolls' bodies can support plant life to a limited extent due to a mutation that took place many millennia ago. A thin layer of moss will inevitably grow on the skin of a forest troll shortly after they are born, giving them their characteristic green coloring. Their moss-like skin color ranges from light green to blue and purple. However, the jungle trolls' bodies are covered in a short, soft fur which cause the trolls to appear purple or gray."

Apart from their head's plethora of colors I thought them glabrous and smooth for the longest time, color me pink. Speaking of pink, is that the hidden color of troll's skin? Or their blood for that matter? Perhaps they are a mundane grey and the 'fur'/'moss' gives them this complexion?

Was this retconned or acknowledged in recent times? What is the community's view on this?

Lorebuffs, troll-fans, and rpers: Have your say on this.
I do remember reading this. I just never really cared about it
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Fair enough. It's a small oddity, almost trival. But most artists seem to go the direction of fur-less. And I speculate much of the community views them that way.
They still have fur, it's just very very fine fur.
03/31/2011 03:35 PMPosted by Tonovash
They still have fur, it's just very very fine fur.

Technically speaking, humans have fur too. Just it's so fine and sparsely spread out, that it's near negligible
Technically speaking, humans have fur too. Just it's so fine and sparsely spread out, that it's near negligible

Oh god we're all furries.

03/31/2011 03:41 PMPosted by Ainhin
Technically speaking, humans have fur too. Just it's so fine and sparsely spread out, that it's near negligible

Oh god we're all furries.


And of course, ants and spiders have fur too.

What will be next? Furry tentacles?
Technically speaking, humans have fur too. Just it's so fine and sparsely spread out, that it's near negligible

Oh god we're all furries.


*Beers the Dwarf up*
Calm down man, we have a thread to keep from derailing!

It is likely that troll skin is coloured, instead of this fine fur taking a large role (if perhaps adding a certain sheen to their bodies. Consider their glabrous hairless spots: these areas seem to remain unchanged in most depictions, for instance a blue troll still has blue lips.
It's one of those things we're told but never shown. None of the art I've seen depicts the Trolls as hairy. Either Blizzard has forgotten, changed it retroactively, or Troll fur is so fine and so impossibly soft it can't be seen by the naked eye.

Oh god we're all furries.


Quick! Shave your beard!
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It's one of those things we're told but never shown. None of the art I've seen depicts the Trolls as hairy. Either Blizzard has forgotten, changed it retroactively, or Troll fur is so fine and so impossibly soft it can't be seen by the naked eye.

Oh god we're all furries.


Quick! Shave your beard!

Don't you see? It WILL grow back! Its the Old God's curse of the fur! Mwuhahahahahahaaaaa!

But anyways, I found it a bit odd when i first read about it, i tried to just let myself forget about it, and it worked. Until now.
Don't you see? It WILL grow back! Its the Old God's curse of the fur! Mwuhahahahahahaaaaa!

But anyways, I found it a bit odd when i first read about it, i tried to just let myself forget about it, and it worked. Until now.

Sorry about that. :< Though, hopefully you are understanding! Considering your own em.. enhanced hair growth!

(And speaking of Curse of Fur.. Fur could well be an old god attribute! We'll know when we fight a giant fuzz ball with furry tentacles.. answering Aurria's prediction.)

If Trolls are speculated to be relatives to Elves, does this mean they are have very very fine pigmented fur too? *Boggles*

If Elves do turn out to be related to Trolls i will begin a flamewar of massive proportions that will last for years.
03/31/2011 04:36 PMPosted by Dknvd
If Elves do turn out to be related to Trolls i will begin a flamewar of massive proportions that will last for years.

Not to derail the thread, but why would that be so bad?
03/31/2011 04:42 PMPosted by Kellick
Not to derail the thread, but why would that be so bad?

Because Night Elves would then receive the Hairstyle "Gone Native" in which they would have dreadlocks. So Worgen would be hatin' out of envy yo.

Also Troll fur is true. Even stated on the website's Troll compendium.
As humans do not shed their "hair" as furred creatures do, you can make the argument for distinction.

THAT said, it sounds like one of a dozen different racial tidbits that don't get represented in the game. For instance, Draenei supposedly have blue blood according to Rise of the Horde...
03/31/2011 04:48 PMPosted by Dryker
Draenei supposedly have blue blood

Black Blood for Orcs as well.
03/31/2011 04:04 PMPosted by Kellick
Troll fur is so fine and so impossibly soft it can't be seen by the naked eye.

This is what I go with. Peach fuzzy trolls, lol.

03/31/2011 04:51 PMPosted by Qrestlix
Black Blood for Orcs as well.

Never heard that one. Where's that from?
03/31/2011 04:48 PMPosted by Dryker
THAT said, it sounds like one of a dozen different racial tidbits that don't get represented in the game. For instance, Draenei supposedly have blue blood according to Rise of the Horde...

When my shaman was a draenei back in TBC, I remember him having blue blood when he was hit.
Blue Blood makes sense too, especially considering their complexion. Along that line, they would blush blue and have blue tongues. They would be deepest blue where blood pools the most, just as human complexions. (Replacing blue with other draenei variations of course).

But trolls, what color are their bloods, tongues, etc? If they are say pink-red, as orcs are, it would be more proof that the colored fur influences their overall color.
03/31/2011 04:55 PMPosted by Rajivanii
Never heard that one. Where's that from?

The "Tutorial" Warcraft III cinematic and as quoted from Daelin Proudmoore.