Trolls evolved into elves so then?

I was just wondering, if trolls evolved into elves. Would goblins evolve into gnome sized elves? Given that troll and goblin look similar.

Vulpera are nothing more than furry goblins with gnome like voices

Goblins are the evolved form.

One of these subjects was a small primitive life race that roamed around the forests near Ulduar. By consuming kaja’mite, they were transformed into a new, highly intelligent race known as the goblins.[4]


If trolls evolved into elves, then why are there still trolls?

Evolution debunked.


Goblins are honorary elves.

Goblins came from trolls and orcs maybe :thinking:

Probably not. While there’s some similarities between goblins and trolls, one could make the argument that their similarities end at pointy ears, and being bipedal. So do elves and goblins, elves and trolls, etc. There’s a different genetic / species aspect here.

Trolls be here to stay mon.

wiggles toes

Because they evolved from trolls that were specifically living in close proximity to the Well of Eternity, which is what caused them to eventually become elves. The troll empire was quite big, so there were plenty that probably didn’t even know the Well of Eternity was a thing that existed.


Imagine evolving and still being that ugly :sob:

Meanwhile trolls evolve and become strikingly beautiful

Life isn’t fair lol

Trolls are beautiful too.
wiggles toes


That is not a grammatically correct sentence

I did not evolve from Gobs, no matter how much convergent evolution made me resemble them.

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This is what happens when you don’t min-max evolution and put points all over the board. Like in intelligence. You don’t need those.

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Taurens are adorabull.

wiggles toes


Elves are mutated Trolls that lost their rhythm.


Trolls DEVOLVED into Elves.

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They lost their mojo baby.

wiggles toes

If evolution only goes forward, then naga are an even higher form of life than elves.

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Naga are cool.

Marine lyfe!

wiggles toes

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