Troll or Vulpera warlock?

Spoken as someone who truly doesn’t know the lore of the zone and didn’t read quest text or listen to spoken dialogue.

Since they did not “move from a non-desert to a desert”, Vol’dun itself was not always a desert but was changed to be from a ‘Dense Vibrant Jungle’ like the rest of the continent, and they were there before the change.

When Sethraliss the loa sacrificed herself to stop Mythrax after the Vol’dun seal had been destroyed, between her death and the cataclysms after it the land changed from Jungle to Desert.

Example of Meerah the Vulpera talking to Kaja the Zandalari about Vol’dun:

Dev interview also talking about the zone/Sethrak and ancient history of the area:

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It’s pretty garbage lore, lol.

Vulpera for the demoralizing impact, Troll for fashion

Its actually kinda equal to taurens, as tauren are a very unexplored race culture wise.

Considering how the last book basically said to Tauren “your religion is a lie nyeheheheheh” and Baine is still alive, I’m not too confident in their potential right now.

Well the whaling bone sounds spooky and mysterious, it sounds like some otherworldly entity is exploiting them.

Why do you think the Vulpera were there when it was a Jungle? I believe you’re making an assumption here.

The Troll/Aquir war was 16,000 years ago after all, when Sethrallis died to defeat Mythrax turning it into a desert… but that’s Sethrak lore, not Vulpera lore.

:fox_face: No lore bro!

Concrete? No, but the fact a Vulpera was telling a Zandalari about the way it used to be, because the Zandalari didn’t know, and the Vulpera was telling said Zandalari about how their kind can no longer survive there anymore, not like they used to, means they know about how it used to be, and at no point is it said in-game or out that they were from anywhere else.

So it is a more logical assessment based on game given knowledge then your attempted deflection with not a shred of fact to back it up.

And to even give another possible angle, from Blizzard given information and again not false statements, if going by the Wailing Bone story in the Folk & Fairy Tales book of WoW (which Blizzard has said is sort of cannon, as stories passed down among a people). The very first Vulpera was ‘born of the desert’s magic’, travel the Vol’dun sands and follow the wailing bone to the place they will come to rest there. So yes if the going by the folk tales, means they would not have been around in the ancient jungle times (which is just an educated guess based on them knowing of the way the place was before it changed and telling Zandalari about that) is still as was said, have always been of Vol’dun, not from ‘some other place’ as no factual information anywhere says, and multiple in-game and book references say otherwise.

Casting my vote for troll. Trolls have mojo, vulpera have fleas. Easy choice.

Also, if you really knuckle down and go for green fire, you can get a green mohawk to match!

Talking to Kipp in Vulpera Hideaway (or several others) (I have to take 2 showers now)
“My caravan has called these sands home for much longer than I’ve lived. There are others across the sea, though I have never seen them myself”

Consider that when Sethrallis died defeating Mythrax the Zandalari empire was the dominant power on the planet, They had yet to diverge into their subraces. There were no Dark Trolls even, much less the Night Elves. Tauren were still Yaungol and the Mogu empire still hadn’t risen up under Lei Shen. The land was still one perfectly ordered continent.

There was no “across the sea” at this time, thus they couldn’t BE across the sea at this time.

If somehow we are choosing to retcon all of the already deeply retconned WoW history to pretend that they were there then and that Kipp and Jeni are both DIRTY LIARS trying to obfuscate their past then we are left with about 2 dozen fox people living in a slum hobo town as the greatest accomplishment of a 16,000 year old culture that none of them seem able to recall at all. Pretending that is just lazy and dishonest

I think because there’s no lore at all for the Vulpera you’re trying to take Sethrak lore and make it Vulpera lore because their in the same zone… but that’s really all there is to it. It doesn’t fit and is quite easily disprovable.

Well, then they weren’t there when it was a jungle, they never met Sethrallis, and they came there from another desert… which would have to be on another continent because there’s just the one in Zandalar.

That is exactly

See wailing bone, and never once claiming Sethrak lore as Vulpera, as was obviously pointing out the Zone was not always a desert, and we already know Vulpera were taken as slaves by the Ashvane and brought overseas.

Only thing saying any other desert is you, not a single thing otherwise.

So no, not a thing is being ‘retconned’, and noone is lieing, just incorrect assumptions are being made on the statements that there are Vulpera across the sea, which there are, in Kul Tiras in the mines, and ones that escaped that as pirates in the Bilge Rats.

So yes ‘lore exists bro’, more is needed and hopefully will come, and in either case, will obviously never agree, so will agree to disagree until more comes.

So there is lore, it’s just not recorded anywhere, and the Vulpera are lying about it. :roll_eyes:

If they were brought there to mine Azerite by Ashvane then they would have been brought there in the last few years… but the Vulpera say

That doesn’t make sense.

When in doubt, make both.