I cant decide, plz help.
With vulpera you basically get a second hearthstone.
Vulpira for utility, troll for berserking.
Plenty of Troll masks but there are a few skull hats for Vulpera.
Vulpera to troll.
That depends on what vibe youre going for.
Do you wanna be ominous and evil? Troll!
Do you wanna be cute and mischievous? Vulpera!
'>playing for racials and not for the vibe & aesthetic
kinda cringe there mang…
That is one opinion I disagree with.
but why play for racials when you could be playing what you like most, makes you most comfortable and can relate too?
if it just so happens that ur fav races has the best racials then well power to u…
Its hard to choose, I love trolls and they have very extensive lore, but vulpera are just starting out, but the wailing bone concept is interesting.
Voodoo witch doctor Darkspear warlock feels way cooler than vulpera warlock, at least to me. The first feels like a natural fit for the race while the latter feels kinda bolted on.
Troll would be good DPS wise but the marginal difference is too small to care. The only bright side from Trolls is the healing. On the other hand Vulpera has the best kind of utilities, first hit damage absorb per enemy, great to avoid getting Dazed while mounted (On top of Warlock’s shield already). They have a heal/damage throw item, their mobile hearthstone.
IMO, Vulpera, while on top of being cute and vicious, their racials are quite useful overall. Trolls are simply straightforward. You’d honestly see more benefit out of Vulpera.
Extra bag spaces and a Mark/Recall once an an hour.
I hope they chose Vulpera! There is something really fun about being small and having big ol demons fight for you.
troll because
A) Berserking
B) The less vulpera players the better.
Would highly recommend undead overall though because they have wicked cool casting animations
Zandalari Troll because…oh wait. Never mind.
Slowly walks away with a tear
What would look cool big troll or a small Vulpera melting face.
Yes forsaken!!! The females especially with the bald option, they have this amazing face expression when they cast it is freakin magic 🤌🏻
Any special tricks for using their vial racial?
So far i just imagine using it on the move.
You can use it in dungeons to save a tank from a wipe. Pretty useful utility.
Vulpera, Black Fur makes for a menacing looking Warlock.