Troll or Vulpera warlock?

Would u mind if I hunt you down in game someday and hugged you?

I do not mind hugs, haha.

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If your question ever starts with: “Should I go Vulpera or

Always go with “or”

be as small as your demo pets vulpera.

Another vote for Vulpera, the little lore we have so far is interesting and hopefully there is more to come, it is great fun toppling the tall folk as a small one, and as said the racials are good.

Nose for trouble adds up to a ton of damage simply negated over a play session since it negates the first hit of every non-hard hitting elite mob.

Anywhere outside hearth spot & rested zone is great for farming raids/npc’s/returning back to a spot after hearthing, etc

And to answer the quoted question, no just target an enemy to hit them, or a friendly to heal them (which consequently any Vulpera class can use tricks to do ‘heal the boss’ raid mechanics for old raids, like the green Dragon in ICC, which shadowlands bandages don’t heal for enough to do now)

I have transitioned
How do you like the new me?


The Vial is most useful for healing as it does more than it does damage against enemies. On top of that, can be used on yourself to heal as well. So, you can use it as necessary, all depends how useful and less interfering it is to the class. IMO, the Vial for Warlocks seems more useful to use as healing since it still takes up a GCD, which is better spent using your typical spells.

Vulpera for looks, troll for a numerical edge.

You’re already a Zandalari troll. You’ve apexed.

I wish I could be a zandi lock.

Alas, Blizzard detected fun.

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I may be biased.


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Vulpira warlock for fun and transmogs , and troll warlock for the racial trait. For serious players it don’t matter what you pick they all work.

Vulpera lock

Neither make a lot of sense, but the troll does match the darker theme.

Berserking a MUCH better dps racial but you won’t be nearly as cute and won’t be able to set a tent up outside the raid for hyper-efficient summoning. That little throwable flask is nice too. Quick heal if you need it, and it hits sorta hard too. Handy when you’re moving. Racials are what? 1% difference at best for dps anyway? Play what you like.

I choose vulpera, just trying to think what kind of macro to make with vial racial now.

Looking good.

And not sure what macro you’d need other than maybe one to make it self-cast to heal yourself even if an enemy is targeted:
/cast [@player] Bag of Tricks

Or a mouseover cast one, since it already smartly uses damage if an enemy is targeted or healing for yourself if nothing is.

Don’t be a vulpera.

Do you know what their lore is? They were in a different place that was not a desert, then they went to the Vol’dun Desert. That’s it. They lived somewhere else that wasn’t a desert, then moved to a desert. That’s their lore. That’s it, 100% of it in one sentence. This paragraph is longer than all the Vulpera lore.


Is fel magic similar to voodoo? Those trolls are always telling me stay away from it. Then telling me to come get it.

I am confused. Roll an undead, they look cooler.