Troll or Blood Elf Hunter

So, in ages past this guy was a Troll, then sometime in I wanna say late BFA I race changed him to Blood Elf. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the elven ranger aesthetic and the ton of lore Blood Elf Hunters get with Farstriders and what not. But the other day while doing WQs I saw a Troll Hunter and it kind of got me thinking about the old days.

About the only thing I really hated about the Troll Hunter was the Character select screen and how wonky it was with pets.

Play what you feel like playing. There was a time that I had changed Soule to an Orc. And it looked great, but still felt wrong. So I changed her back.

I have 10 hunters, because I could not decide, and I like them as different pet themed hunters.

Having both is possible.



Remember. Every time the Elves and Trolls duke it out. Elves win.

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Trolls hunch and have no shoes.

I’d say elf.


From a lore perspective, Trolls have the edge, but I love the look of a Blood Elf hunter in Forsworn gear and a Windrunner bow.


Trolls are the natural beast masters. The bigger, the more dangerous beast the more they love it.
Regular Troll males got the best bow animation in game imo. So wicked.
And with Zandalari you look very impressive with Oondasta/ Horridon companion as a pet.
I also loved the quest in Zandalar, where Zandalari humilated Hemmet Nersingway, where Hemmet was used as a lure to get on player. That was hilarious, I didn’t want to kill that hunter, because I loved his attitude. Hunting for beast is no longer exciting for them, hunting for other hunters - that is where the fun begins xD.

Everything boils down to preference, but for me elven ranger is so generic that I see no appeal in them. My Highmountain hunter was far more fun to me. Running and derping around.

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Neither gain any actual bonus for pets, unlike Orc and Mag’har Orcs so unless you are going just for “looks” I would say go with an Orc race. If you are only caring about looks, go with the one you like the most, as usual.

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Your Hunter is about to be body slammed by an Owl guy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


There’s an area of Bastion where stewards run straight up in the air when attacked. If they die they just hover there. The bug has never been fixed but it makes for some interesting screenshots.

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When it comes to bows (especially Aimed Shot), Trolls have the best animations.


watch as I ruOOOooin her world

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Those are some amazing screenshots.

Needs more of The Who’s Won’t Get Fooled Again

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gnome, duh

Never understood why Orcs get racials for pets when they are the least pet centric race ingame. I mean I guess I can understand with Orc Warlocks but honestly they shouldn’t have Warlocks as that’s a relic of the old Horde and Thrall outlawed it in the RTS games.

Umm, Orcs are great beast tamers…the frostwolf clan are wolf riders. It only makes sense that they would have war-beasts.

Anyway, lore wise.
Thunderlords hunted Gronns
Mok’nathai had a hunter named Rexar in WC3
Bleeding Hollow and Laughing Skull scream Survival Hunter all the way

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… trying to find a counterpoint. failing. Alright you got me there but what can you expect from someone that plays a Blood elf anything?

True, but Trolls had beast slayer racial that gave 5% more damage against beasts - whcih was nerfed unfortunately to give more exp from slaying them and they have bow specialisation.

Not to mention plethora quests where they take care of beasts.

I guess one of the reasons I’m asking is I have like 6 classes that are Blood elves. Wondering if I ought to cut down on that.

Imo, male troll bow animation is the best bow animation. So I vote for troll.