Troll nose goes up instead of down?

There’s no way an oversight guy who wasn’t under a ton of pressure to just green stamp it would not see the belt and the mask from the side and say no way this isn’t done yet.


Zenli my golden goose, how are you? Since this link seems to have timed out would you consider making a post with these images? I know it’s a stretch if you did we’d appreciate it and I think it might go a long way towards seeing some justice for this set, it isn’t right that this bucket of carp is being passed off as acceptable. Let me know, thanks for your consideration! (perfectly fine if you don’t feel like it)

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I’ll try and see if I still have the pictures but I may not have access to anymore pictures! D:

I’m not them but note to self, do not use discord for linking stuff.

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I don’t understand, why does the nose area go upward infront of the Trolls eyes? Troll noses angle downwards. What possessed them to make this set so terrible in every conceivable way?


I’ll see what I can do.


Here we go!

Tag your it!



Thank you Zenli! Please tag me or link it for me if you do make one, I don’t wanna miss it! #Free The Nose!


I’m it!? Ya! I’m it!

I can see the problem from a mile away with this photo, but I was hoping you might be able to do the close up of the masked and unmasked faces like you did before in an actual forum post since it kept expiring in the comments, tbh I almost never see people with the trust level you have. if it’s too much work I totally understand I don’t wanna twist your arm. Also… tag you’re it no tag backs!


I don’t have a troll character high enough to do the heritage quest yet, he’s level 65.

I don’t know how to use photo shop, usually when I enlarge an image in Paint I screw it up.

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I think you can technically do it on a Trial Character, but being so close to 70 it can easily make you wanna hold out.

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Why does it go up like that!? Who done this!?


The mask is inappropriate and should be fixed.


If those boots are supposed to be based on Sen’Jin in WC3 that’s just sad, even if they aren’t it’s still sad, those things are F.L.A.T

I think it has to be based on WC3 Sen’Jin his are the only ones that resemble them and wow honestly seeing that alone is enough to make you think they really just didn’t finish this set.


Gotta be, his were way cooler. Even had some wood on his toes which is a rare thing for Trolls.

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If they’d gone all the way with Sen’Jins boots I’d be ok with it, although the knee plates are a little on the small side. Toe boards are a rare thing for Trolls.

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WC3R Rokhans boots would have been a better choice, the kneeplates are less pitiful.

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Personally I like the barefootness of Trolls but if they add a little something like a small plank on top of the toes it looks life, you know like the part they left off off these boots. They just kept changing the pieces they drew inspiration from and never for the better.

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Icon of Shadows on the back they removed the Voodoo doll, the potions, the little masks and all the ropes, thing is a husk of what it should have been.


Reminds me of the covid days when people wore their mask under their nose because they wanted to breathe.


Yeah the face diaper, if you look at all the cloth mounded on top of the nose on the mask it really does look like a full diaper why is it so flippin huuuuge? The nose underneath isn’t nearly that large and it’s supposed to point downward!