Troll nose goes up instead of down?

It looks different because you’re comparing two very different shot angles. The top image was taken upward from below the face at something a bit past 3/4 angle, while the bottom image is pretty dead on profile. But even considering this difference, I don’t see this upward nose effect that you see. I do think it’s a different nose shape baked into the helm, and has a different rounding to the nose, but it’s still a downward shape overall. I think you may be confusing the lines of the cloth folds for the nose shape itself.

Hey the person wouldn’t hold still for me to get a good screen cap so I got what I could D:

Respectfully you couldn’t be more incorrect, pull up the WoWhead link with the view from the side, it’s clear as day a mountain of mask on top of where the nose should be. Even in the picture although the angle is tilted you can see with your own eyes it is distinctly going upward. I’ve got the mask, I’ve seen it in person.


I don’t have the mask to get way better screen caps. That person was moving all over the place so I did what I could to get a screen cap.

Here’s the one off wowhead I screen capped so it’s directly from the side.

This actually makes it look WORSE

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It’s more than a nose and a half long, and it’s about 3/4 of a nose too tall! Were it not 9 noses long it wouldn’t clip into the female models chest.



Now take a second to imagine how much cooler it would be if it were stretched over the cheeks with the tusks poking through, and the nose poking out. 100X better, did common sense exit the building while this was being made? Even the little diamonds on the sides are sheite, and that crummy shingle shoulder… it’s a skull less train wreck.


Nice! This landed perfectly 10/10!

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Getting old? Performance issues aren’t unheard of De Darkspear got da Voodoo ta put da Mojo in ya mask! Complementary rag included!


Ok, that just about tears it. With jokes like that happening and making perfect sense how is it we’re on like day 3 of this thing existing not including the weeks we’ve been giving feedback for prior to release. I really hope there’s some plan in the works to fix this.


sprays water on all the double entendres folk


I said what I said but looking back I do regret it…

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I can think of something regrettable…. This Troll set, is there no shame anymore!?


The thing is though, the cloth isn’t hanging direct from their nose. It’s hanging from a wooden ridge that sits on top of their nose. That’s why the angle looks funny.


Yeah I wonder how far that little piece goes, it’s pretty hard to say.


Insert that one Worgen joke about not really knowing a person till they’ve sniffed their… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I prefer to think there’s one guy at Blizz doing everything he can to get the word out that we’re not satisfied, he’s made an updated version and he’s just trying to get through to his boss who won’t even talk to him for 5 minutes, or read his emails, and this guy is super close to a break through any day now.

The head pieces for both sets are, really, the only parts I don’t like… and they’re just laughably bad. Neither are Worgen levels of bad, though.


Did you follow the links?