Troll nose goes up instead of down?

Uuuh that I’m not sure of.

If you do go to do it, link and smash post before it embeds so if there is a picture it displays.

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Ok rdy? Stupid question… What does “link and smash post” mean?

Sorry was doing stuff.

You link the youtube comment / picture into the post box and mash the reply button as fast as you can.

The forum has some… bugs.

It only does that with youtube.


it looks like a friggin jock strap and they refuse to do anything abt it
crap just makes me laugh every time i see it lol just a fail haha

3 Likes Didn’t work was testing it with a WoW Community post. I might just be bad at this.


It also looks like their nose is um… well very happy with it on let’s just say that.

I mean that’s close enough it’s clickable at least.


Fair point, thank you for your help! and thanks for sharing this obvious issue withe the nose, to be honest I didn’t really wanna believe it was AI generated but this kind of issue does seem more likely if made by an AI.


Maybe concept art but the 3d models it isn’t that good at yet I don’t think.

This is purely a case of “made on human model but made for a troll” kind of deal. They do that with a lot of sets and it can cause things to just look off.


I can definitely see that being an issue with the belt since the clipping is horrendous, but do Humans usually have noses like that? Then again the fabric clips deep into the female chest as well.

They don’t but the troll noses are at a different spot than human noses.

Either way it looks very half baked and just… idk it’s all kinds of just eh.

Like if it had been under the nose and a little shorter? Perfect 10/10

Yup that’s what it looks like, I remain shocked that anyone could think this kind of quality is acceptable but here we are. It does make me think of it in a different kind of way though, at first it looked like just a bunch of thick fabric but now it kinda looks like maybe the nose is upside down under there or something. Idk but it looks like sheeeiiitee. They need to fix this thing ASAP, or at least put out a statement that they’re gonna fix it, and not just the mask the whole set was hastily thrown together and it’s noticeable.

Oh my! :rofl:

That is awful.


I still say it blatantly looks like a banana hammock


The Vulpera helmet does too. it has holes in it for the ears to go out.

Yeah, I’ll be honest I didn’t really mind the mask before, it wasn’t good, but it didn’t seem like it was completely unusably bad… Until I got it in game, and saw it from the side.

I miss last week when I hadn’t seen that. Lol


Looks like they strapped a banana hammock to the face.


How could they possibly get this so wrong? I refuse to believe a human being directly made that mistake, maybe over looked it but no one in their right mind would craft that and go, “yup just as I pictured it.” There’s absolutely no way.


Trolls are bringing the speedo back…on their faces…


Zenli with the high trust level! Can I trouble you to drop those images right over here please? If a Community Council Member were to see this and consider making a post, these images would be a great place to start, then the link I shared right down here.


Seems like there might be some chemistry going on in that speedo.


And to the topic at hand: is it possible that that face mask is just really taught?

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