Troll Heritage Set Polls Bad-Good-Needs Work = 70-13-27 BAD. FIX IT

I’m with you, if we don’t get some work done on this set soon it probably won’t happen.


Yeah I’d say we have maybe 1 week. If Blizz can ignore and refuse to right their wrongs for that long they can go on forever. I really hope they come to senses this is just awful.


That window is getting smaller by the day, we’ve got a bunch of people on board but apparently it isn’t enough, would be nice if some members of the Community Council would step in or maybe if a moderator reading these spoke up or someone working in the company maybe whoever designed it would look into the feedback and take some pride in their work, idk. Apparently we stand alone.


This set was thrown together by AI the designer will never take pride in their work, pride is a human emotion.


The Terminators are trying to destroy the game… It’s time to crush Cyberdine once and for all… That’ll be the new WoW40K xpac.

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Is this the same pride that’s led you to posting on two toons to spam these threads day after day, Spindoggy?

It’d take a village to get this fixed. A Sen’Jin village :smiley: I’ll see myself out.

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Yeah except apparently not lol. If only it were enough

I like the idea of keeping this part.

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Good in terms of quality, depth, and importance, no. Fun yeah it was fun. Trolls got screwed.

I’ve never been more convinced that they just let janitors and what not do the small fry work while all the talent just works on the upcoming expansion.

Yeah why is it that we do the the Trial of Loas but we aren’t considered Shadow Hunter? In the Lore isn’t that Trial reserved for Shadow Hunter prospects?

A vendor on the Echo isles would be a fair compromise

I ended up disappointed. It felt really short. All just to tell us that the Darkspear are different because they are loyal. I did laugh at Lukou being a podling now. Something not even native to Azeroth.


I would not be surprised to learn that a janitor got into the files, designed the set then saved it in a ready for launch folder.

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It would be like one of those Good Will Hunting plots where the janitor has been working on his digital art skills and wanted to try his hand, only in this case it turns out he wasn’t that good lol

Id rather they just fix the set they screwed up but if a vendor on Echo isles means we have a chance at accessing some other in game assets Glaives and or the Troll Back Javelins the Headhunters carry I’m in full favor of the vendor solution.

From what I hear it was significantly shorter than the Draenei quests. I don’t think the new writers think much about what they’re doing anymore they see an existing nature themed NPC asset and just grabbed it right up without any thought or concern about it’s origin or former in game context. /sigh

Those Javelins have been in the game now for at least a decade anyone who thinks and knows the Darkspear would have known that those should have been slipped in as useable since they’re literally in the game already.


Darkspears and Disappointment come hand in hand.

As for he questline, Talanji and other trolls were datamined, but it looks like it was all scrapped. Which would explain why it’s so much shorter.

Seriously don’t these developers have at least one dedicated troll fan among the writing stuff, that actually loves them and cares?

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I remember hearing about that I was so excited, I’ve never been more convinced that they straight up just didn’t even finish the quests or set it just all seems unfinished. Why are we gonna let them get away with just shipping such a blatantly unfinished set?

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I’d love it if someone at Blizz made some kind of statement off the record about what happened here, it’s obvious this isn’t just some uh oh spaghetti ohs we didn’t do a good job. No this is a coverup something went on and they clearly had more content and cropped it off same deal with the actual armor. This should never have went live.


No doubt about it there was cut content and the fact that the set wasn’t even refitted for Trolls tells you right out the gate it wasn’t finished.

I wouldn’t hold your breath but there is still a slight chance they’ll fix it it was nearly unanimous that this set was poorly made and not well received.


Well someone flagged my post and it got unflagged so I’m maybe someone looked at it and maybe if we’re lucky they’ll pass some feedback down the grapevine lol

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